Slovenia x27 s summer guide 2013

Essential information Tra ?c Slovenia has been an independent democratic republic since The country has been a member of the European Union since Slovenia is one of the smallest countries in Europe square kilometres It ? s half the size of Switzerland which isn ? t particularly big either But Slovenia compensates its small surface with a lot of vertical kilometres it ? s the most mountainous country in Europe Slovenia is also the third most forested country in Europe and with kilometres of rivers it is also rich of water Slovenia has two million inhabitants which is the same as the city of Paris Thus it ? s a very sparsely populated country Average height above sea level m For up to date tra ?c information check www promet si Speed limits km hr in towns and villages on main roads on highways Cars in Slovenia must use their headlights at all times The car must contain spare wheel warning triangle a spare lightbulb and ?rst aid kit On the Slovenian highways you must use a vignette For cars there are weekly euro monthly euro and annual euro vignettes Weekly vignettes are valid for seven consecutive days from and including the day of purchase Monthly vignettes are valid from the moment of purchase up until the end of the day with the same number one month after the day of purchase Annual vignettes are valid till the st of January the next year so this year till Januar Don ? t take a risk with the vignettes For driving on a motorway without a valid vignette sticker a ?ne of to euros is envisaged Railways Slovenian Railways sss slo-zeleznice si en Opening hours Banks am ?? pm generally with a lunch break at Shops Mon ?? Fri am am ?? pm pm Sat am am ?? pm pm Sun am pm only large shopping centres All Slovenian cities now have large shopping centres on their outskirts Eating Restaurants go by the names of restavracija and gostilna A restavracija is mainly for lunch and dinner A gostilna is more casual It ? s also a place you can go to for a co ?ee for example Both are usually opened all day Smoking Smoking is prohibited in all public buildings That includes bars hotels and restaurants You must be years of age or older to buy cigarettes Important telephone numbers Emergency services urgent medical help ?re ?ghters veterinary help rescue teams Police emergency Police reporting o ?enders anonymous phone line AMZS ?? roadside assistance and towing Tourist telephone - free line for tourists and tourism workers to report their comments complaints criticism and suggestions hours a day The Slovenia Times Summer guide be Active stay Healthy in Slovenian Spas Slovenian natural Spas take care of your wellbeing with their natural healing resources and thermal waters Experience the wealth of o ?ers in their Aqua Fun - Water Parks outdoor and indoor pools where a lot of new attractions are waiting

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