Summon night swordcraft story 2 strategy guide
Summon Night Swordcraft Story FAQ Walkthrough by Shotgunnova Version Lynn Last Updated - - View Download Original File Hosted by Return to Summon Night Swordcraft Story GBA FAQs Guides Liked this FAQ Click here to recommend this item to other users ' ' ' ' ' ' ' V V FAQ WALKTHROUGH By Shotgunnova P Summers This guide is intended for private use ONLY and may not be used in electronic or commercial reproduction without the expressed permission from the author P Summers To boot it cannot be sold distributed edited or given away as an insert add-in prize to any paid package All rights reserved to the respective parties even those not explicitly stated in this disclaimer Authors work zealously for their craft so if you see their wishes being disrespected report it to 'em Thankee-sai o-------o INDEX o-------o---------------------------------------------------------------------o Getting Started GTTS Cli ? Village CLF Goura's Seal GRS Cli ? Village CLF Entry Woods ENT Wind Fortress WFT Forest Outskirts FSK Wind Fortress WFT Cli ? Village CLF Entry Woods ENT Wind Fortress WFT Forest Outskirts FSK Roaring Cavern RRC Cli ? Village CLF Wind Fortress WFT Forest Outskirts FSK Roaring Cavern RRC Water Fortress WTR Cli ? Village CLF Water Fortress WTR Lost Woods LWD Thunder Fortress THD Cli ? Village CLF Thunder Fortress THD Forgotten Woods FRG Fire Fortress FRF Thunder Fortress THD Roaring Cavern RRC Cli ? Village CLF C Thunder Fortress THD Ruined Factory RFC Cli ? Village CLF Thunder Fortress THD Subterranean Bay SBT Cli ? Village CLF Ruined Factory RFC Cli ? Village CLFA Roaring Cavern RRC Cli ? Village CLFB Thunder Fortress THD Glacier Gorge GLG Cli ? Village CLFC Forest Outskirts FSK Vanishing Forest VSH Cli ? Village CLFE Thunder Fortress THD Oni Hot Springs HTS Cli ? Village CLFF Roaring Cavern RRC Cli ? Village CLFG Thunder Fortress THD Cli ? Village CLFH Goura Labyrinth Ground Level GRB Cli ? Village CLFI Goura Labyrinth Ground Level GRB Post-game PSTG o-----------------------------------------------------------------------------o EXTRA DUNGEONS Goura Labyrinth GRB Ruined Factory Revisited RFC Subterranean Bay Revisited SBT Glacier Gorge Revisited GLG Oni Hot Springs Revisited HTS o-----------------------------------------------------------------------------o APPENDICES Shop List SHPL Sidequests SDQS Weapon Stats WPST Upgrading Stats UPGS Bestiary BSTR Material Location MTRL Rare Medal Locations RMDL Frequently Asked Questions FAQZ Updates PDTS Thanks THKS o-----------------------------------------------------------------------------o o------------------------------o TO NAVIGATE THE WALKTHROUGH o------------------------------o----------------------------------------------o If you're looking for a n treasure drop Ctrl F the ore's name in brackets IRON ORE item as a monster drop Ctrl F the ore's name with a colon space in front to go directly to the bestiary Tyrant Soulstone or the boss C who drops it o-----------------------------------------------------------------------------o o---------------------------o THE WALKTHROUGH'S LEGEND Cntrl F this combination ' o----------------------------------------------------------------------o------o XXX Name of Location XXXX o---------------------------o-------------------------------------------------o MATERIALS ITEMS ENEMIES Items listed here can be These items are found solely Enemies and the found by breaking boxes in treasure chests or through bestiary number crates and grass plot events sidequests are found here o--------------------------o-------------------------------o------------------o o----------------------------------------------------------------------o------o Getting Started GTTS o----------------------------------------------------------------------o------o Select 'New Game'
you'll after o----------------------------------------------------------------------o------o goura northDocuments similaires

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Gratuit pour un usage personnel Aucune attribution requise- Détails
- Publié le Nov 16, 2021
- Catégorie Geography / Geogra...
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 488kB