Sway guide SWAY guide Marina Alex CEO University of Business Agility Telegram WhatsApp - - - - marina uba school Copyright ? by Marina Alex All rights reserved No part of this material may be reproduced distributed or transmitted in any form or by any mea
SWAY guide Marina Alex CEO University of Business Agility Telegram WhatsApp - - - - marina uba school Copyright ? by Marina Alex All rights reserved No part of this material may be reproduced distributed or transmitted in any form or by any means including photocopying recording or other electronic or mechanical methods without the prior written permission of the publisher except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law For permission requests write to the publisher addressed ??Attention Permissions Coordinator ? at the address below Marina Alex - - - - marina uba school CContents What is SWAY Why do we need SWAY Where can SWAY be applied The basics of SWAY values roles events documents Values and principles Incentives Sprint Roles Team Business Owner Coach Events Quarterly Planning Sprint Planning Daily Demo Retrospective SWAY documents Visualization Contributors C What is SWAY SWAY is a new sales building system that is founded on personal leadership cross-functionality and value-based approach SWAY which stands for Sales with Agile is suitable for the target-oriented companies who are interested in creating happiness and value for the customers SWAY rests on Scrum framework and Agile philosophy as well as coaching-based approach and leadership principles SWAY helps to achieve a - time increase in sales within months all due to the e ?ciency of the system and full engagement of the employees SWAY was designed by Marina Alex who used her experience in implementing Agile into sales SWAY is based on the following principles Continuous self-development - Discipline and target orientation - Love for people customers C Why do we need SWAY We are living in a time when the purchasing process is regulated by the buyer not the seller Buyers have access to more information than ever before when choosing which companies to buy products and services from Traditional sales models are outdated The era of annoying cold calls poor quality service and companies who do not respect their clients has ?nally come to an end Nowadays speed and exibility are key competitive advantages SWAY is a sales system that meets the challenges set by the modern markets Where can SWAY be applied SWAY can be applied in those companies whose culture is focused on the customer and caters to the customers ? needs Those companies whose focus is to create value SWAY has been successfully implemented in B B B C B G and Start-ups C SWAY the basics The ?ve components of SWAY are Values and principles the organizational culture Roles as opposed to positions Business Owner Coach Team Events Quarterly Planning Sprint Planning Daily Demo Retrospective Documents SWAY Canvas Quarterly Goals Sprint Goals Improvement Goals Visualization SWAY boards index cards ? There are three critical factors inside your organization that are required for SWAY to be successful A culture that puts the customer ?rst and promotes a happy workplace Professionalism in sales sta ? that takes leadership and pride in
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- Publié le Nov 12, 2021
- Catégorie Geography / Geogra...
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 45.6kB