The 2012 michelin guide france

PRESS RELEASE Paris - February The MICHELIN guide France Re ecting the vibrancy of French gourmet cooking Scheduled for release in bookstores on March the MICHELIN guide France o ?ers a unique view of the country ? s hospitality industry with hotels and restaurants recommended establishments listed for the ?rst time new restaurant with three stars o with two stars n with one star m and new Bib Gourmand restaurants In ten years the number of starred restaurants in France has risen by and the number of Bib Gourmands by nearly Dining every day in a wide variety of restaurants across all price categories the MICHELIN guide inspectors can attest to the fact that quality everywhere is on the upswing A new restaurant with three stars o Flocons de sel now ranks among the restaurants around the world that are ??worth a special journey ? Located atop Megève the restaurant headed by Emmanuel Renaud a chef whose talents have been con ?rmed today is on top of the gourmet dining world His restaurant has become an indispensable destination for lovers of mountain scenery and ?ne cuisine With an expanding array of culinary trends and a constant focus on ingredients high standards of cooking and renovated interiors the French restaurant industry is being revitalized and transformed Despite the current economic environment young chefs are boldly ?? and successfully ?? carving out their own niches with new gourmet restaurants As proof a total of ?ve restaurants that formerly displayed the Bib Gourmand label have this year been awarded their ?rst star l ? Auberge de l ? Abbaye in Ambronay L ? Arbre in Gruson L ? Éventail des Saveurs in Rostrenen Le Bec au Cauchois in Valmont and Le Juliénas in Villefranche-sur-Saône From the most prestigious restaurants to simple bistros the same commitment to quality is lifting the entire French gourmet dining scene and providing the guide ? s inspectors who test the restaurants every day with new ?? and renewed ?? experiences Dining anonymously like ordinary customers they systematically pay their own bills However as true hospitality industry professionals they painstakingly judge each dish to ensure that the restaurant meets Michelin ? s criteria in terms of product quality preparation and avors the chef's personality as revealed through his or her cuisine value for money and consistency over time and across the entire menu The best restaurants are awarded the Bib Gourmand label or stars distinctions that are based solely on cooking quality and are always attributed on a consensus basis Comfort and service are rated separately on a scale ranging from ò to ? Hotels and guesthouses for a memorable overnight experience The guide also features a selection of hotels and guesthouses covering all price and comfort categories Again the Michelin inspectors have leveraged their expertise applying rigorous selection criteria to point customers to the very best addresses This year establishments have been rated ??quiet ? or ??very quiet ? while have been rated as ??particularly pleasant ? the

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