User guide 6 User Manual PAVER Version October US Army Corps of Engineers CDevelopment Team ? U S Army Corps of Engineers M Y Shahin Ph D P E ? IIT Corp Arthur Baskin Ph D Robert E Reinke William Nelson Mark Brown Ben Hartmann Spencer Dickey Sponsors ? US

User Manual PAVER Version October US Army Corps of Engineers CDevelopment Team ? U S Army Corps of Engineers M Y Shahin Ph D P E ? IIT Corp Arthur Baskin Ph D Robert E Reinke William Nelson Mark Brown Ben Hartmann Spencer Dickey Sponsors ? US Air Force ? US Army ? US Navy ? Federal Aviation Administration PAVER Program Leader System Designer System Designer Project Manager Program Analyst Program Analyst Program Analyst Acknowledgments Special thanks are due to Mr William Welborn who was a key member of the development of PAVER while working at the U S Army Corps of Engineers Thanks are also due to Ms Lindsi Hammond who was part of the development team while working at the Corps of Engineers both as a student as well as an engineer Mr Mircea Manea served as a member of the programming team for a few years during the programming of PAVER Special thanks are due to Ms Gay Hanson and Ms Dana Dickey of Intelligent Information Technologies IIT for preparation of the user manual The pavement management research and development of the PAVER system have been in progress since the early ? s These e ?orts have been sponsored and funded by several agencies Special thanks are due to the following agencies and their representatives who supported and shared in the development e ?orts over the years ? The US Air Force Roy Almendarez Imad Andari Jay Beam Mike Bohls Carl Borgwald Don Brown J E Dennard Everett Dodson John Duvall Jim Greene Ken Hevner Ross Higa Wayne Hudson Billy Lawson Je ? Love Charles McCarol Moises Medina Ed Miller Shaun Moya Michael Myers Caren Ouellete William Peacock Harold Muniz Ruiz Craig Rutland Cli ? Sander Michael Sawyer Mark Schumaker Ronald Sims George Vansteenburg William N Welborn Mike Womack and Charles York User Manual ?? PAVER i C ? The US Army Ali Achmar Michael Andres Bill Borque Dan Boyer Ray Brown Gary Cox Mike Dean Bob Eaton Mike Flaherty Raymond Frye Ken Gregg Jack Hinte Danny Klima Bob Lubbert Stan Nickell Charles Phillips Leo Price David Ray Ray Rolling Terry Sherman Megan Splattstoesser Paul Styer Bill Taylor and Bob Williams ? The US Navy Greg Cline Vince Donnally Mel Hironaka Floreto Lomibao Dave Pendleton Charlie Schiavino Dean Shabeldeen and Harry Singh ? The Federal Aviation Administration FAA Satish Agrawal David Brill Gordon Hayhoe Fred Horn Michel Hovan Rodney Joel Albert Larkin Xiaogong Lee Wayne Marsey Aston McLaughlin John-Paul Schilling Jack Scott and Dick Worch ? The Federal Highway Administration FHWA Frank Botelho Sonya Hill Bob Kelly Ray McCormick and Lewis Rodriguez ? The American Public Works Association APWA Jim Ewing Teresa Hon Christine Johnson John MacMullen Dennis Ross and Dick Sullivan ? The Ohio Department of Transportation O ?ce of Aviation Andy Doll and Mark Justice Special thanks is due to the PAVER users who have participated for many years in the annual Sponsor User Group meeting and provided signi ?cant feedback for the continuous development

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