V4073a installation guide I INNSSTTAALLLLAATTI IOONN I INNSSTTRRUUCCTTI IOONNSS Application The V A valve has been designed to control the ow of water in a small bore domestic central heating system where both radiator and hot water cylinder circulation a

I INNSSTTAALLLLAATTI IOONN I INNSSTTRRUUCCTTI IOONNSS Application The V A valve has been designed to control the ow of water in a small bore domestic central heating system where both radiator and hot water cylinder circulation are pumped It is typically suited for systems up to Btu h KW Speci ?cations Voltage - V Hz Power consumption W Lead supplied metre core Operating temperature range to ?C Special models available for chilled water applications Maximum ambient temperature ?C Pipe ?tting sizes mm mm compression ?tting ? ? BSP Dimensions and KV values See diagrams Spares available Powerhead Motor Ball ? O ? Ring Kit Part No - Part No - Part No A CARD Installation V A incorporates a manual lever the lever should normally be in ? AUTO ? position but can be moved to ? MAN OPEN ? position for system draindown and ?lling purposes only Before ?tting the valve read through the plumbing and wiring instructions This product MUST be installed by a competent person The installation MUST conform to I E E Regulations and with The Electricity at Work Regulations A Class ? A ? switch having contact separation of at least mm in all poles must be incorporated in the ?xed wiring as a means of disconnecting the supply The system must be appropriately fused CLEARANCE FOR COVER REMOVAL V A Motorised Mid-Position Valve PRESSURE DROP p in mwc Plumbing The valve MUST NOT be ?tted on the return pipework under any circumtances Flow from the boiler must be connected to port AB the radiator circuit to port A and the hot water cylinder circuit to port B The valve may be plumbed in at any angle but must not be mounted so that the valve head is below the horizontal level of the pipework In the unlikely event of a leak a safety hazard could result Do not grip the valve head while making and tightening up plumbing connections Attach a spanner mm or ? AF onto the valve body at each port whilst tightening up the nuts Tighten compression nuts enough to make a watertight seal TAKE CARE NOT TO OVERTIGHTEN CWiring The wiring diagram above shows relevant connections to a Honeywell junction box Part No - Ensure that each numbered lettered or coloured wire is connected to the correct terminal in the junction box Make sure all connections are good and all terminal screws are ?rmly tightened Valve wiring con ?guration is White Heating on Grey Hot water o ? Orange Boiler and pump live Notes Blue Neutral Green Yellow Earth a Wiring diagram shows connections to a programmer with separate control of heating and hot water b If single channel time clock is used connect switched live from time clock to terminal or at junction box then link terminal to terminal with a link wire c If the programmer or time clock have no ? Hot water OFF ? terminal then the time clock will need to be replaced d If

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