Walkthrough arc ii tales of vesperia definitive edition
?? Menu ? Walkthrough Arc II - Tales of Vesperia De ?nitive Edition Walkthrough Guide - GameFAQs ANSWERS ? ? BOOKMARK BOARDS Log In Sign Up ?? ?? ? Would you recommend this Guide Yes No F D Hide Tales of Vesperia De ?nitive Edition ?? FAQ Walkthrough Nintendo Switch ? FAQs Answers Board More FAQ Walkthrough by Asbel Lhant Version Updated ? Previous Walkthrough Arc I ?? Table of Contents Next Walkthrough Arc III ? Walkthrough Arc II After the scenes exit to the World Map and go back to Dahngrest Dahngrest Revisited You will see a scene receive the Aque Blastia Core and be given the chance to save After you will see a scene Then walk towards the knights for another scene Then stay at the Inn for more scenes After the scenes go south for several more scenes You will end up on the World Map We have a few things to do before moving on Mysterious Man Part Immediately return to Dahngrest for a scene Dahngrest Side Quests Brionac Part Ghasfarost Side Quest Return to Ghasfarost and enter the front door Then go through the door to the right for a scene After a scene your next destination will be Heliord You will see another scene on the way After you can talk to everyone Once you are done speak to Repede to sleep After another scene continue traveling until you reach Heliord Heliord Revisited Scene Now go to the Inn and book a room Scene Go outside and speak to Judith on the left for another scene Once you gain control head to the blastia in the center of the city for a scene Then talk to the guard by the lift Pick one of your party members when prompted The party member you choose will get easier access to a new out ?t later on But you will be able to get all three eventually If you choose Karol it will make the completion of a Side Quest later on a little easier ? https gamefaqs gamespot com switch -tales-of-vesperia-de ?nitive- edition faqs walkthrough-arc-ii C Walkthrough Arc II - Tales of Vesperia De ?nitive Edition Walkthrough Guide - GameFAQs Now speak to the item shop owner After the scene hand over the material items the item shop owner asked for If you d ? on't have the items ?ght monsters around Heliord until you do It sh ? ouldn't tak ? e long ?? Then h ??ead towards the center of the town After the scene select Yuri or Karol whBeOnOKpMrAoRmKpted Now head to the Chevaliers' HQ for another scene After head to the left for another scene Would you recommend this Guide Yes No F D Hide After continue down the lift Proceed forward and talk to the guard for a battle Go to the southwest and talk to the guard here for another battle I suggest you recover and save before continuing to the southeast as its time for a boss
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Gratuit pour un usage personnel Aucune attribution requise- Détails
- Publié le Jul 19, 2021
- Catégorie Geography / Geogra...
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 211.4kB