Prebooking guide 1 Guide to Pre-bookings Process CContents ? How To Do Pre-Booking in SAP ? How to Delete Pre-Bookings in SAP CHow to Do Pre-booking in SAP CPre-booking in SAP On your desktop Double click on the SAP LOGON icon The SAP LOGON menu will appe
Guide to Pre-bookings Process CContents ? How To Do Pre-Booking in SAP ? How to Delete Pre-Bookings in SAP CHow to Do Pre-booking in SAP CPre-booking in SAP On your desktop Double click on the SAP LOGON icon The SAP LOGON menu will appear Double click on the PS PS Production client to logon CPre-booking in SAP The SAP R menu will appear as indicated in this illustration CPre-booking in SAP Type your SAP I D or Badge number here Type your password here Please note that asterisks will appear as you encode your password CPre-booking in SAP The SAP EASY ACCESS SABIC AREA MENU will appear as indicated in this illustration CPre-booking in SAP ITnhtehnis ceoxnafmirmpley owuer awcitlilon cbhyocoliscekinPgV o n bthyetyping the EtraXnEsCaUctTioEn bcuotdtoeninasthis wshinodwonw In the SAP EASY ACCESS SABIC AREA MENU there are three ways to pre-book an attendee through the transaction codes listed below ? PV ?? Pre-book ONE attendee against ONE business event type ? PV ?? Pre-book MULTIPLE attendees against ONE business event type ? PV ?? Pre-book ONE attendee against MULTIPLE business event types ? Note You can also access all the above mentioned transaction codes by using HR MANAGER ? S DESKTOP for authorized employees The procedure will be the same as shown in the following illustrations CPre-booking in SAP Select SABIC SS TRAINING ONLY by clicking on the arrow as shown Please note If you already have the business event type ID number just type it in this window and press enter Then click here for the next step If not press this RADIO BUTTON and a pop-up menu will appear CPre-booking in SAP Then click on the arrow to select TRAINING JUBAIL This is the MAIN GROUP for companies a ?liates in JUBAIL For companies a ?liates in Riyadh and Yanbu they should select their respective groups CPre-booking in SAP You may select any of the listed subgroups But in this example we will choose GENERAL TRAINING by clicking on the arrow as shown CPre-booking in SAP You may select any of the listed course groups But in this example we will choose COMPUTER TRAINING by clicking on the arrow as shown CPre-booking in SAP A list of business event types will appear Select on your preferred course by highlighting and double clicking on it In this example we will choose MS Excel Level CPre-booking in SAP In thEeNTDIMdEatPeE BReIOaDr inwmindinodwtheantcyooduestheoudldate by inedniccaotdinegdtahteeSoTnAaRQTUaAndR ? TE RLY type basis CPre-booking in SAP AnwTSahfeintmeleednreco ctwaeothnnnaedcfsiorPdmsdeEheipnoRatgwhSrneytOmoaaNuentrtndetaatn pshreoswsnin g the ENTER key on your keyboard CPre-booking in SAP Then click on the PREBOOK button to save your transaction CPre-booking in SAP Finally a message will appear on the status bar below con ?rming that your transaction has been saved CHow to Cancel Pre-booking in SAP CCanceling Pre-booking in SAP In the SAP EASY ACCESS SABIC AREA MENU you can cancel Pre-bookings by using the below Transaction PV Then con ?rm your action by clicking on the EXECUTE button as shown CCanceling Pre-booking in
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- Publié le Mar 05, 2021
- Catégorie Industry / Industr...
- Langue French
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