Bibliography 70 BIBLIOGRAPHY Allen Edward Architectural Detailing Function Constructability and Aesthetics New York John Wiley Sons American Standard for Nursery Stock Vol ANSI Z - Columbus OH AmericanHort Beveridge Charles E and Paul Rocheleau Frederick

BIBLIOGRAPHY Allen Edward Architectural Detailing Function Constructability and Aesthetics New York John Wiley Sons American Standard for Nursery Stock Vol ANSI Z - Columbus OH AmericanHort Beveridge Charles E and Paul Rocheleau Frederick Law Olmsted Designing the American Landscape New York Rizzoli Bachelard Gaston The Poetics of Space Boston Beacon Bye A E Art into Landscape Landscape into Art Mesa Arizona PDA Carpenter Jot D Landscape Construction Workbook McLean Virginia American Society of Landscape Architects Landscape Architecture Foundation Carpenter Jot D ed The Handbook of Landscape Architectural Construction McLean Virginia American Society of Landscape Architects Landscape Architecture Foundation The Construction Speci ?cations Institute CSI The Project Resource Manual ?? CSI Manual of Practice th Edition ??Module Construction Documents ? McGraw-Hill Professional Dines Nicholas T ed Time-Saver Standards for Landscape Architecture Design and Construction Data New York McGraw-Hill Elliott Cecil O Technics and Architecture The Development of Materials and Systems for Buildings Cambridge MIT Ferguson B and T N Debo On-Site Stormwater Management Applications for Landscape and Engineering nd ed New York Van Nostrand Reinhold Frampton Kenneth Studies in Tectonic Culture The Poetics of Construction in Nineteenth and Twentieth Century Architecture MIT Press Cambridge Goldman S J K Jackson and T A Bursztynsky Erosion and Sediment Handbook New York McGraw-Hill Book Gray D H and A T Leiser Biotechnical Slope Protection and Erosion Control New York Van Nostrand Reinhold Harris Charles and Nicholas Dines ??Stormwater Management ? in Time Saver Standards for Landscape Architecture nd ed New York New York McGraw-Hill Companies Harris Cyril M Dictionary of Architecture and Construction New York McGraw-Hill Hopper Leonard J Landscape Architectural Graphic Standards Hoboken NJ John Wiley and Sons Kalin Mark Rosen J Harold Robert S Weygant and John R Regener Construction Speci ?cations Writing Principles and Procedures th ed Hoboken New Jersey John Wiley and Sons Kirkwood Niall The Art of Landscape Detail Fundamentals Practices and Case Studies New York John Wiley Sons Landphair Harlow C and Fred Klatt Jr Landscape Architectural Construction New York New York Elsevier Lynch Kevin and Gary Hack Site Planning rd ed Cambridge MA MIT MasterFormat Alexandria Virginia Construction Speci ?cations Institute Michigan Department of Natural Resources Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Control Guidebook Lansing MI Michigan Department of Natural Resources Mori Toshiko Immaterial Ultramaterial Architecture Design and Materials Cambridge MA Harvard U Graduate School of Design Munson Albe E Construction Design for Landscape Architects New York McGraw-Hill Book Nathan Kurt Basic Site Engineering for Landscape Designers New York MSS Information Nelischer Maurice ed Handbook of Landscape Architectural Construction nd ed Vol Washington D C Landscape Architecture Foundation Strom Steven Kurt Nathan and Jake Woland Site Engineering for Landscape Architects Hoboken NJ John Wiley and Sons Nelischer Maurice ed Handbook of Landscape Architectural Construction nd ed Vol Washington D C Landscape Architecture Foundation Olmsted Frederick Law Forty Years of Landscape Architecture Central Park Ed Frederick Law Olmsted and Theodora Kimball Cambridge MIT Reprint Parker Harry Simpli ?ed Site Engineering for Architects and Builders New York Wiley Petroski Henry To

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