Fda guide FDA Philippines' eLTO Application A Tutorial Sooo I was tasked to apply for LTO for the pharmacy we are opening crossing my ?ngers Let me tell you right now it was a stressful process still is actually and I blame it on FDA's super outdated web
FDA Philippines' eLTO Application A Tutorial Sooo I was tasked to apply for LTO for the pharmacy we are opening crossing my ?ngers Let me tell you right now it was a stressful process still is actually and I blame it on FDA's super outdated web site I am here to be your savior and tell you the hows of the process and save you most of the frustration of applying for a license to operate LTO a drugstore and others too since the information isn't readily available First of all a rant I raise my middle ?nger to the people who are in charge of maintaining the site They seem to have overlooked the pages for the new process of LTO application which has been implemented back in it's mid- now guys please get your act together Second I'm still not done with it so this post is still a work in progress and will be updated accordingly ----If you go search for LTO process in FDA's site you will be directed to http www fda gov ph industry-corner downloadables - integrated-applicationform-and-process WARNING Do not follow this Do not download the form Here's the actual process You will need to request for an account to access the FDA portal Prepare an authorization letter have it notarized scan or take a really good picture of it and convert it to PDF ?le then attach it to the email you will be sending to pair fda gov ph CEMAIL SUBJECT Request for eLTO User Account BODY a E-mail address preferably company e-mail address - I took this to mean as the e-mail being name companyname com but if your company doesn't have that it's ?ne I used the e-mail we made for our pharmacy in Gmail b Name of the authorized company representative preferably permanently employed and not merely a consultant - it makes sense from a security standpoint c Position in the company d Contact Number e Company Name The entire thing can be found here just click the continue reading button with a sample authorization letter you can use as a guide It says that turnaround time is within two days and requests sent after pm will be processed the next day I sent mine past pm and received the user details through e-mail before am the next day Fast Both username and password will be provided The password will suck balls since it's a generated string of letters and numbers I have not yet found out how to change it if it can even be changed Next go to https www fda gov ph and log in with the provided user name and password Do it as soon as you receive it I think it will expire after hours I did not risk knowing if this is true or not haha I logged in as soon as I got the email To start your application click New Case then License to Operate which will activate Start Case button
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- Publié le Jan 26, 2022
- Catégorie Administration
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 27.2kB