Femap student guide SIEMENS Femap Student Guide Version Siemens PLM Software C C CProprietary and restricted rights notice This software and related documentation are proprietary to Siemens Product Lifecycle Management Software Inc ? Siemens Product Lifec

SIEMENS Femap Student Guide Version Siemens PLM Software C C CProprietary and restricted rights notice This software and related documentation are proprietary to Siemens Product Lifecycle Management Software Inc ? Siemens Product Lifecycle Management Software Inc All Rights Reserved All trademarks belong to their respective holders femap -g-v Femap ii Introduction to Femap with NX Nastran Student Guide CFemap Training Class Agenda Day Lesson No Topic Workshop s The FEA Modeling Process Using Femap ? The Femap User Interface ?? Part ? Geometry Creation and Editing ? Materials and Properties ? Boundary Conditions ?? Loads and Constraints ? Day Lesson No Topic The Femap User Interface ?? Part Model Display and Visualization Meshing Analysis Set Manager Postprocessing Workshop s ? ? ? femap -g-v Femap iii Introduction to Femap with NX Nastran Student Guide CDay Lesson No Topic The Meshing Toolbox Midsurfacing Assembly Modeling Finite Element Modeling Debugging Student Topics Workshop s ? ? ? femap -g-v Femap iv Introduction to Femap with NX Nastran Student Guide CLesson The FEA Modeling Process Using Femap Purpose This lesson provides an overview of general overview of Finite Element Modeling and Analysis and the tools in Femap available to generate FEA models Topics ? What is Finite Element Analysis ? What comprises a FEA model ? Femap Modeling Process Flow ? Femap Model Objects and Commands femap -g-v Fermp Introduction to Femap with NX Nastran Student Guide - CLesson The FEA Modeling Process Using Femap What is Finite Element Analysis A Finite Element Analysis FEA is a mathematical simulation of a physical structure when internal and external forces are applied to it It can be used to simulate the following types of physical behavior ? Structural ? Thermal ? Fluid Flow ? Optical ? Electromagnetic Femap can be used to model the ?rst four types of FEA models femap -g-v Femap Introduction to Femap with NX Nastran Student Guide - CLesson The FEA Modeling Process Using Femap What comprises a FEA model A Finite Element Analysis model is a collection of ? Finite Elements - well-de ?ned mathematical models of ? Beams and Rods ? Surface or Shell elements ? Solids Tetrahedral or Hex ? Miscellaneous elements such as Springs Mass Rigid and Contact ? Material attributes ? Boundary conditions loads and constraints femap -g-v Femap Introduction to Femap with NX Nastran Student Guide - CLesson The FEA Modeling Process Using Femap Takeaway A FEA model is at best an approximation of a physical structure The accuracy of the results from a FEA model are only as good as the quality of the mesh and the accurate application of material attributes and boundary conditions to a model femap -g-v Femap Introduction to Femap with NX Nastran Student Guide - CLesson The FEA Modeling Process Using Femap Femap Objects and Work ow for Generating a FEA Model Geometry Materials Properties Boundary Conditions ? Constraints ? Loads Mesh Analyze Postprocess femap -g-v Femap Introduction to Femap with NX Nastran Student Guide - CLesson The FEA

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  • Publié le Jul 20, 2022
  • Catégorie Administration
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 363kB