Pronunciation guide ii when the letter i is followed immediately by another i each must be pronounced

vi PRONUNCIATION GUIDE The best way to gain an accurate pronunciation of liturgical Latin is to imitate the spoken word There are only a few di ?erences between the way in which some letters are pronounced in Latin and English and although this is not an exhaustive list the main di ?erences are summarised as follows C as K e g corpus body calix chalice cum with but before E AE or I as CH e g caecus blind pronounced CHAY-CUS cibus food pronounced CHEE-BUS NEVER as S CH as K e g Christus Christ Michael Archangelus Michael the Archangel G as G in ? gate ? e g rogamus we ask but before E or I as J in ? joy ? e g Evangelium the Gospel igitur therefore GN as NI in ? onion ? e g Agnus Dei Lamb of God dignus worthy J as Y in ? yet ? e g Joannis John Judica me Deus Judge me O God T as in English but when followed by I the combination sounds like TSEE e g oratio prayer pronounced ORAT-SEE-O gratias thanks pronounced GRAT- SEE-AS TH as T in English e g thronum throne cithara harp Z as DZ e g baptizare to baptise pronounced BAP-TID-SARE But as Z in English at the beginning of a word e g Zachariah N B Combination of certain vowels ii - When the letter i is followed immediately by another i each must be pronounced separately eg Filii of the Son pronounced FEE-LEE-EE ae ?? pronounced ? ay ? as in ? today ? e g caelum heaven Also note introibo I will go in pronounced INTRO -EE-BO C

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