Accuplacer guide 1 ACCUPLACER Testing Study Guide CContents ACCUPLACER Overview Accuplacer test set- up Exemptions from placement testing score requirements ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? What to expect on test day What to expect after testing Stud

ACCUPLACER Testing Study Guide CContents ACCUPLACER Overview Accuplacer test set- up Exemptions from placement testing score requirements ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? What to expect on test day What to expect after testing Students with disabilities General test taking tips Elementary Algebra Overview testing tips Algebra Tips Practice Questions Arithmetic Reading Sentence Skills Resource Guide References Credit Resource Johnston Community College Undated CACCUPLACER OVERVIEW What is ACCUPLACER The CollegeBoard ACCUPLACER is an assessment known as a placement assessment Placement tests are used to assess your level of skill and readiness for a certain educational course path At MCC ACCUPLACER is used as a part of the admissions process to determine your level of readiness for college-level courses in the areas of English and math A student taking the assessment will be tested on math reading and English The test has the following characteristics Computer based Multiple choice Untimed Computer adaptive or based on your level of ability How ACCUPLACER works As mentioned ACCUPLACER is an untimed computerized multiple choice test The test presents one question per test screen with a set of answer choices After choosing your answer the test will immediately move to the next question ACCUPLACER grades each question after it is answered Therefore once you have answered a question and moved on to the next question you will not be able to go back and change your answer The test is also computer adaptive meaning that the test administers questions based on how you are performing on each question This allows ACCUPLACER to accurately score and provide a placement based on your results As part of MCC ? s admissions process if you are enrolling in a degree or diploma curriculum program you will be required to take all parts of the placement test Some certi ?cate programs may require the placement test for admission The following chart shows degree options that require placement testing CACCUPLACER test setup At MCC students generally take the following sections Elementary Algebra Arithmetic score dependent Reading Comprehension and Sentence Skills English Below is a breakdown of the sections Elementary Algebra Arithmetic Reading Comprehension Sentence Skills questions questions questions questions ACCUPLACER is graded on a scale of - Because the test helps determine whether you are ready for college-level courses a student cannot ??pass ? or ??fail ? the examination Keep in mind however that depending on how you score you may be required to take developmental remedial course to help adequately prepare you for college-level courses Taking developmental remedial courses may extend the time it takes for you to complete your degree When do I take ACCUPLACER In order to take the ACCUPLACER you must complete the following steps Fill out a MCC application n Submit o ?cial high school or GED transcripts Schedule your personal admissions appointment by calling - - CExemptions from placement testing You are not required to take Reading Comprehension or Sentence Skills

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