Josh x27 s megaminx guide Josh ? s Megaminx Guide Edges First ??A revitalized intuitive beginners method My last layer algs Orient edges You could use edge control before inserting the last edge pair to skip these algs Seriously use edge control skip this

Josh ? s Megaminx Guide Edges First ??A revitalized intuitive beginners method My last layer algs Orient edges You could use edge control before inserting the last edge pair to skip these algs Seriously use edge control skip this case ?? ??F ?? U ??R ? U ? ??R ? ??F ? F ?? R ??U ??R ? ??U ? ??F ? R ??U ?? R ? F ??R ??F ? U ? R ? F ??R ? ??F ? Permute edges The -cycle edges are always R ?? ??R ? ?? ??R ?? ??R ? where is some U move The ?rst R ?? ??R ? takes the right edge and moves it to it ? s destination The next two up moves stop at the other edges to be exchanged R ??U ??R ? ??U ??R ??U ? ??R ? ??R ??U ??R ? ??U ? ??R ??U ? ??R ? R ??U ? ??R ? ??U ? ??R ??U ? ??R ? ?? ??R ??U ??R ? ??U ??R ??U ??R ? --Using ?ve up face moves to swap edges Careful - one U is not prime R ??U ? ??R ? ??U ? ??R ??U ? ??R ? ??U ??R ??U ? ??R ? Permute corners Do this before orienting the corners Ignore the U face color and permute based on color For cycles rotate the minx so the point of the U face is pointing at you use the right-back face for R and left-back for L L R ?? ?? ?? ??R ??U ? ??L ? ??U ??R ? ??U ? ??L ??U L R ??L ? ??U ??R ??U ? ??L ??U ??R ? ??U ? --Sexy move-- times three in the middle of these algs ?? F R ??U ??R ? ??U ? F ? ??L ??F R ??U ??R ? U ? F ? L ? L R Rf Rf R ??U ? ??L ? ??U ??R ? ??U ? ??L ??U Rf ? --The left two algs use a setup move L R ??on the right front or left front face ?? ?? ?? ?? ??t ?? o move a corner into position then ??execute the alg above them The Lf ? ??setup move is reversed at the end Lf ? L ? ??U ??R ??U ? ??L ??U ??R ? ??U ? Lf R ??U ??R ? U ? R ??U ??R ? U ? ??R ??U ? R ? Final step orient the corners Orient the corners one at a time in place In these examples the green face is the down-front-right Dfr face and we are going to simply call it D from now on Look at the UFR corner If it needs to be twisted clockwise execute D ? R ? D ??R Do a U move to bring another corner into the UFR slot If that corner needs to be twisted counter-clockwise execute R ? D ? R ??D Continue adjusting the up face and

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