Food importers guide Food Importers Guide ? ? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ? ? Food Importers Guide English Version ? ? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? CFood Importers Guide Introduction ? ? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? Ministry of public Health MOPH the competent authority responsible for i

Food Importers Guide ? ? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ? ? Food Importers Guide English Version ? ? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? CFood Importers Guide Introduction ? ? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? Ministry of public Health MOPH the competent authority responsible for imported food control in Qatar recognize that e ?ective and e ?cient inspection and certi ?cation systems are fundamental components of the trade in food Ministry of public Health MOPH has the responsibility of ensuring that all food arriving in Qatar complies with the relevant GCC requirements Qatar as a member of GCC country follows the GCC regulation and requirements De ?nitions Food Inspection Examination of food or food safety systems by the competent authorities in the importing country for the purposes of control of production inputs processes and ?nal products through all stages of food chain to verify their conformity to the technical regulations of the GCC or approved alternative equivalent measures Halal Certi ?cate Certi ?cate issued by the country of origin or country of exportation by an accredited GCC Islamic agency society attesting that the product such as meat fat gelatin rennet the broth has been prepared produced and circulated in accordance with the rules of Islamic Sharia law or the food which contains animal products or by ? products is halal and has been produced in accordance with the rules of Islamic Sharia law and that the food has been handled with equipment and instruments which are not against the teachings of Islamic Sharia law and in accordance with the GCC technical regulations Halal Slaughtering Certi ?cate issued by the country of origin by an accredited GCC Islamic agency Certi ?cate society attesting that the animal has been slaughtered in accordance with the rules of Islamic Sharia Health Certi ?cate Certi ?cate paper or electronic issued by the competent authority in the country of origin or the country of exportation attesting that the safety and suitability of the consignment of food is in accordance with the relevant technical regulations of the GCC including registration numbers of food establishments or approved alternative equivalent measures Temporary release Action taken by the competent authority under o ?cial controls to allow the importer to transfer a consignment of food from the port of entry to a warehouse pending issuance of an o ?cial decision on release Inspection Steps All GCC food standards and technical regulations are available at GSO website http www gso org sa ? ? ? CFood Importers Guide ? ? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? Checking of Required Documents and Health Certi ?cates ? All consignments of imported food must be covered by appropriate documentation and certi ?cation ? All consignments must be accompanied by an original health certi ?cate issued by the competent authority in the country of origin or an o ?cially recognized body ? The health certi ?cate should attest to compliance with the GCC requirements

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  • Publié le Jul 26, 2021
  • Catégorie Administration
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 138.3kB