Bibliography 2023 03 28T153551 520

Bibliography GENERAL PHYSICS ELECTROMAGNETISM see also B B N W Ashcroft and N D Mermin Solid State Physics Tokyo Holt- Saunders B R S Elliott Electromagnetics New York IEEE Press B R P Feynman R B Leighton M Sands The Feynman Lectures on Physics Vol - Reading Mass Addison-Wesley B J D Jackson Classical Electrodynamics New York Wiley B J Lammeraner and M Sta ? Eddy Currents London Ili ?e B L D Landau and E M Lifshitz Electrodynamics of Continuous Media nd Edition Oxford Pergamon Press B W K H Panofsky and M Phillips Classical Electricity and Magnetism nd Edition Reading Mass Addison-Wesley B J C Slater Quantum Theory of Matter New York McGraw-Hill B J A Stratton Electromagnetic Theory New York McGraw-Hill B I E Tamm Fundamentals of the Theory of Electricity Moscow Mir MATHEMATICAL METHODS STOCHASTIC PROCESSES see also B B V I Arnold Ordinary Di ?erential Equations Cambridge MIT Press B C W Gardiner Handbook of Stochastic Methods Berlin Springer-Verlag B D W Jordan and P Smith Nonlinear Ordinary Di ?erential Equations Oxford Oxford University Press B M Mandelbrot The Fractal Geometry of Nature San Francisco Freeman C Bibliography B P M Morse and H Feshbach Methods of Theoretical Physics New York McGraw-Hill B E Moss and P V E McClintock eds Noise in Nonlinear Dynamical Systems Vol - Cambridge Cambridge University Press B A Papoulis Probability Random Variables and Stochastic Processes rd Edition New York McGraw-Hill B H Risken The Fokker-Planck Equation nd Edition Berlin Springer-Verlag B Y Rozanov Processus Al toires Moscow Mir in French B V Smimov Cours de Math matiques Sup ieures Vol I-W Moscow Mir - in French B N G Van Kampen Stochastic Processesin Physics and Chemistry Amsterdam North-Holland NONLINEAR DYNAMICS STABILITY BIFURCATIONS see also B B R Gilmore Catastrophe Theoryfor Scientists and Engineers New York Dover B J Hale and H Kocak Dynamics and Bifurcations New York Springer-Verlag B H Haken Synergetics Berlin Springer- Verlag B A J Lichtenberg and M A Lieberman Regular and Chaotic Dynamics New York Springer-Verlag B R Thorn Stabilit Structurelle et Morphog n se Essai d'une Th orie G n ale des ModUles Paris InterEdi ?ons S A in French B H Troger and A Steindl Nonlinear Stability and Bifurcation Theory Wien Springer-Verlag HYSTERESIS MODELING see also B B B B M A Krasnosel'skii and A V Pokrovskii Systems with Hysteresis Berlin Springer-Verlag B I D Mayergoyz Mathematical Models of Hysteresis New York SpringerVerlag B A Visintin Di ?erential Models of Hysteresis Berlin Springer-Verlag B A Visintin ed Models of Hysteresis London Longman CSTATISTICAL MECHANICS THERMODYNAMICS PHENOMENA STATISTICAL MECHANICS THERMODYNAMICS CRITICAL PHENOMENA see also B B B B B B B R Balescu Equilibrium and Nonequilibrium Statistical Mechanics New York Wiley B C Beck and E Schlogl Thermodynamics of Chaotic Systems Cambridge Cambridge University Press B J J Binney N J Dowrick A J Fisher and M E J Newman The Theory of Critical Phenomena New York Oxford University Press B H B Callen

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