College of engineering lab safety guide and chemical hygiene plan

College of Engineering Lab Safety Guide and Chemical Hygiene Plan EN- - C COSHA Lab Standard The use of hazardous materials in laboratory areas is addressed by the OSHA Laboratory Standard Occupational Exposure to Hazardous Chemicals in Laboratories This standard mandates the preparation of a Chemical Hygiene Plan such as this Safety Guide consisting of speci ?c policies and procedures addressing the requirements of the regulation Program Elements Safety walk down Buddy System MSDS Sheets Personal Protective Equipment Hazardous Operations Noti ?cation Fire Emergency Response Slip Trip and Fall Prevention Spill Response and Clean Up First Aid Guide Smoke Free Building Close Call Investigation and Reporting Accident Investigation and Reporting General Chemical Storage Rules Compressed Gases Chemical Labels Chemical Disposal Laboratory Inspections Particularly Hazardous Substances Cryogenics Ladder Use Guidelines General Machine Shop Safety Equipment Safety Laser Safety Contact Information Safety Walk Down A safety walk down will be conducted of all COE lab spaces yearly by the Director of Laboratories or their designee A checklist of areas to be inspected and inspection criteria is in Reference A Buddy System The Buddy system requires two persons to be present in the laboratory areas when work is being performed No person is to be working alone on laboratory equipment A Buddy system will be used at all times No student is allowed to be working without supervision of a paid university employee present Student work stops if supervision is called out of the lab No students are allowed access to the lab without supervision by a paid university employee Page of CException Laboratories which only house clerical computer and or non- hazardous equipment and or assemble processes These areas are to be controlled by key or swipe access MSDS Sheets Under the right to know laws all MSDS Material Safety Data Sheets are to be accessible to all personnel MSDS books are available in the lab areas Additionally MSDS sheets are located in the University Safety O ?ce Per the Hazard Communication Standard of OSHA a MSDS sheet MUST be obtained for every chemical used in the work place Any chemical that is not in its original container must be labeled This includes spray bottles for water Waste containers used to dispose of chemical waste must be labeled Contact the University Safety O ?cer for pick-up and disposal of waste products or unwanted chemicals Personal Protective Equipment A critical aspect of working safely with hazardous materials is the proper selection and use of personal protective equipment PPE All PPE should be carefully selected to ensure that it is appropriate for the hazards present and that the users will be able to perform their work in reasonable comfort wearing the protective equipment Gloves Protective gloves should be worn whenever there is the potential for skin damage or absorption through the skin when using a chemical or working with a hazardous material The gloves should be of a material appropriate for the chemical or material in question Information as to appropriate materials is available

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