Vtl user guide CFalconStor VTL User Guide Version FalconStor Software Inc Huntington Quadrangle Suite S Melville NY Phone - - Technical Support - - Fax - - Web site www falconstor com Copyright ? - FalconStor Software All Rights Reserved FalconStor is a r

CFalconStor VTL User Guide Version FalconStor Software Inc Huntington Quadrangle Suite S Melville NY Phone - - Technical Support - - Fax - - Web site www falconstor com Copyright ? - FalconStor Software All Rights Reserved FalconStor is a registered trademark of FalconStor Software Inc in the United States and other countries Linux is a registered trademark of Linus Torvalds Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation All other brand and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners FalconStor Software reserves the right to make changes in the information contained in this publication without prior notice The reader should in all cases consult FalconStor Software to determine whether any such changes have been made CVirtual Tape Library User Guide Contents Introduction FalconStor Virtual Tape Library overview VTL components Plan your Deployment VTL con ?gurations for disk-to-disk-to-tape backup Standard VTL Con ?guration Advanced VTL Con ?guration Automated Tape Caching VTL Con ?guration VTL Con ?guration with Single Instance Repository Getting Started Pre-installation Install a certi ?ed operating system on your VTL appliance Install VTL software Connect your VTL appliance to your storage network Set network information for your VTL appliance Install the VTL Console on an administrative computer Launch the Console Connect to your VTL server Con ?gure your VTL server using the con ?guration wizard Step Enter license keys Step Enter encryption keys Step Set up network Step Set hostname Step Enable Fibre Channel Step Switch to target mode Step Prepare devices for virtual libraries Step Create Virtual Tape Library database Step Assign physical libraries drives Step Create virtual libraries Step Add SAN clients Step Assign virtual library to clients Enable deduplication Add SAN Clients backup servers Prepare for backups Backup server access to the VTL server FC backup servers iSCSI backup servers Discover the virtual tape library from your backup server Virtual Tape Library User Guide CContents Create and run backup jobs Con ?rm successful backups VTL Console Launch the console Connect to your VTL server VTL console user interface Understanding the objects in the tree Multi-Node Group object Server object Virtual Tape Library System object Virtual Tape Libraries Virtual Tape Drives Virtual Vault Import Export Queue Physical Tape Libraries Physical Tape Drives Replica Resources Physical Tape Database Deduplication Policies Database SAN Clients object Reports object Physical Resources object Group Reports object Understanding the icons in the tree Virtual tape icons Physical resource icons Console options System maintenance Network con ?guration Set hostname Set date and time Restart VTL Restart network Reboot Halt Rescan physical devices Administrators Event Log Sort the Event Log Filter the Event Log Export data from the Event Log Print the Event Log Clear the Event Log Reports Create a report View a report Virtual Tape Library User Guide CContents Schedule a report Export data from a report Set report properties Email a report Refresh report display Delete a report Attention Required tab Performance statistics Server properties Software patch updates SNMP traps Mirror the VTL database to protect your

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