Ciuti forum draft programme
Conférence Internationale permanente d ? Instituts Universitaires de Traducteurs et Interprètes CIUTI FORUM Sous le Haut Patronage de S E Monsieur Mauro DELL'AMBROGIO Secrétaire d ? Etat à la formation à la recherche et à l ? innovation de la Confédération Suisse Pooling Academic Excellence with Entrepreneurship for New Partnerships th ?? th January United Nations Geneva Room XVIII Working languages English French Entrance free Registration mandatory under www ciuti org CThursday January th Opening Ceremony Hannelore LEE-JAHNKE Honorary President CIUTI University of Geneva CH Michael M? LLER Acting Director General United Nations Geneva CH Anne EMERY-TORRACINTA Conseillère d ? Etat République et Canton de Genève CH Break Yves FLÜCKIGER Vice-Rector University of Geneva CH Frank PEETERS President of CIUTI University of Antwerp BE Marion BOERS President FIT ZA André LINDEMANN President BDÜ DE Lance HEWSON Dean FTI University of Geneva CH Break Valeurs et éthique Quelle place à l ? université Salim DACCACHE Rector Université St Joseph Beyrouth LB ?? Co ?ee Break CSession New Approaches to Demanding issues Moderation Paul PAUWELS KU Leuven Antwerp BE Nowe pokdenie liderów potrzebne w XXI wieku The st Century in search of a new generation of leaders Lech WALESA Fondateur de l'institut Lech Walesa ancien Président de Pologne PL Global Gender Gap Saadia ZAHIDI Senior Director Head of Gender Parity and Human Capital World Economic Forum Geneva CH Innover pour créer de la valeur sociale et économique Francine VERRIER Directrice des relations avec la collectivité Ecole de technologie supérieure Montréal CA Les dé ?s culturels et interdisciplinaires de la gouvernance mondiale Jean ROSSIAUD Coordinateur du Forum pour une nouvelle gouvernance mondiale FnGM Geneva CH Years FIT Jeanette ? RSTED Executive Director of FIT Questions and Answers ?? Lunch Break CSession Responsibilities of International Bodies and Institutions Do incentives really lead to innovations Moderation Maurizio VIEZZI University of Trieste IT New Paradigm for Human Development An Inter Academy Translation Panel Ivo ?LAUS President World Academy of Arts and Sciences CRO Interpreting in a World of Change Linda FITCHETT President AIIC Brussels BE La DG SCIC et ses relations avec les universités et d ? autres Marco BENEDETTI Director General Directorate General Interpretation European Commission Brussels BE Translating Europe Forum DGT and its stakeholders Rytis MARTIKONIS Directorate General for Translation European Commission Luxembourg LU Innovations at EP's translation DG and measures of encouragement Jochen RICHTER Head of Unit DG TRAD ?? Multilingualism and External Relations Unit European Parliament L Incentivizing innovation Catalyst for progress or tool of destruction Brian FOX Chair IAMLDP working grup on training Brussels BE Open for innovation or semper paratus New roles for stakeholder organizations Wolfgang MACKIEWICZ Former ELC President FU Berlin DE Questions and Answers - Break CSession New sustainable strategies in university- industry ?? government relationships - less state more entrepreneurship Moderation Peter A SCHMITT Leipzig University DE The Importance of the Dating Phase in New Partnerships John GEANEY Global Consulting Services Portfolio Manager Geneva CH An Innovative Application-oriented Model for Training Translators and Interpreters- A Case Study
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- Publié le Apv 18, 2022
- Catégorie Industry / Industr...
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 37.4kB