Cybersecurity guide u s embassy in romania
U S Embassy in Romania Romanian Association for Information Security Assurance RAISA National Association for Information Systems Security ANSSI CYBERSECURITY GUIDE Romanian National Computer Security Incident Response Team CERT-RO ISBN - - - - CPROGRAM TITLE Enhance Cyber Capacity Building in Romania for Preventing and Combating the Cybercrime Phenomenon PURPOSE OF THE PROGRAM The program goal is to strengthen the cyber capacity in Romania by raising cybersecurity awareness and improve the skills of criminal justice authorities and private sector in ?ghting cybercrime U S Embassy in Romania Romanian Association for Information Security Assurance RAISA A project developed by the Romanian Association for Information Security Assurance RAISA This project was funded in part by a grant from the United States Department of State The opinions ?ndings and conclusions stated herein are those of the author s and do not necessarily re ect those of the United States Department of State eBook Cybersecurity Guide Authors Iulian ALECU Costel CIUCHI Toma C? MPEANU Iulian COMAN Larisa G BUDEANU Ioan-Cosmin MIHAI Cosmina MOGHIOR Nelu MUNTEANU Gabriel PETRIC Ionu ? STOICA C ?t ?lin ZETU Version Website www cyberlearning ro cybersecurity-guide ISBN - - - - DOI CYBERSEC EN CCONTENTS About This Guide ? Secure Your PC Laptop ? Secure Your Mobile Device ? Secure Your Network ? Malware ? E-mail Based Attacks ? Web-Based Attacks ? DoS and DDoS Attacks ? Web Application Attacks ? Social Media Scams ? Security of Online Transactions ? Security of Debit Credit Card ? Identity Theft ? Insider Threats ? Data Protection Request from Individuals ? Data Protection Compliance for SMEs ? Transparency of Personal Data Processing ? NIS Directive ? Incident Reporting ? References ? Acronyms ? Authors ? CABOUT THIS GUIDE DAN C? MPEAN General Director of the Romanian National Computer Security Incident Response Team CERT-RO We play a sometimes-involuntary role in an unrivaled accelerated digital transformation on a personal social and economic level Subsequently we perceive that each individual is urged to acquire new skills to expand their knowledge to shift their cultural perspective Just as during our childhoods we learned the alphabet with our ?rst-grade teachers ? assistance and broadened our horizons of knowledge facilitated by the love and dedication of educators today we will have to resume the accumulation of a new elementary set of learnings This time we ? ll be guided by cybersecurity experts towards the acquisition of a complex sophisticated exciting body of knowledge deeply technological yet indispensable for the st century It is imperative to have active promoters for cybersecurity concepts education programs and awareness It is essential to be able to ?nd practical and e ?ective ways of comprehensively promoting cyber hygiene and additional preventive measures at the national level that should be transmitted to and regularly applied by citizens organizations and economic operators in order to minimize their exposure to cyber-risks And now we have good news to share Written in the form of a concise and pragmatic cybersecurity guide this superb work epitomizes in just a
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- Publié le Aoû 05, 2022
- Catégorie Industry / Industr...
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 108.8kB