Doctorate summary sociolinguistics dendane

République Algérienne Démocratique et Populaire Ministère de l ? Education Supérieure et de la Recherche Scienti ?que Université d ? Oran Faculté des Lettres Langues et Arts Département des Langues Anglo-Saxonnes Section d ? ANGLAIS Thèse de Doctorat d ? Etat présentée par Mr Zoubir DENDANE Université de Tlemcen Sous la supervision de Prof Farouk BOUHADIBA Université d ? Oran Intitulée Sociolinguistic Variation and Attitudes towards Language Behaviour in an Algerian Context The Case of Tlemcen Arabic Membres du Jury Président Prof Ali BOUAMRANE Université d ? Oran Rapporteur Prof Farouk BOUHADIBA Université d ? Oran Examinateur Prof Zoulikha BENSAFI Univ Nancy ?? France Examinateur Prof Farida ABDERRAHIM Univ de Constantine Examinateur Dr Smail BENMOUSSAT Université de Tlemcen Thèse de Doctorat d ? Etat soutenue à Oran le Avril de h à h Mention obtenue Très honorable avec les Félicitations du Jury Photo Dr Z Dendane à gauche avec l ? encadreur Professeur F Bouhadiba CSociolinguistic Variation and Attitudes towards Language Behaviour in an Algerian Context The Case of Tlemcen Arabic Acknowledgements i Contents ii Abbreviations ? ? ? v Phonetic Symbols vi Abstract vii Introduction The Chomskyan Perspective in Linguistic Theory Linguistic Variation A Crucial Element in Linguistic Theory Di ?erent Approaches in Sociolinguistics ? Tlemcen Speech Community a Locus of Language Dynamics ? ? ? ? ? ? Some Basic Sociolinguistic Concepts Introduction Language Dialect and Variety The Speech Community Language and Small-scale Social Groups Social Networks Communities of Practice Communicative Competence The Linguistic Repertoire The Linguistic Variable Attitudes to Linguistic Variants The Language Situation in Algeria ? Introduction The MSA AA Relationship The Arabic French Relationship The Historical Background The impact of the French Occupation on the Algerian Society French after Independence Arabisation ? Today ? s Algerian Linguistic Pro ?le Diglossia ? Diglossia and Bilingualism Code Choice The Competence Performance Approach The ? Domain ? Approach The ? Markedness ? Model Speech Accommodation Social Networks and Code Choice The Dynamics of Language Contact Borrowings Code-switching and Code- mixing C Sociolinguistic Variation in Tlemcen Speech Community ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Introduction The Speech Community of Tlemcen High Variety vs Low Variety Urban Variety vs Rural Variety Tlemcen Arabic Features The Glottal Stop Morphological Items as Sociolinguistic Variables ? Lexical Aspects of Tlemcen Arabic Language Variation in Tlemcen ? Introductory Language Comprehension and Preferences MSA vs French University Students Middle and Secondary School Pupils Sociolinguistic Variation in Tlemcen Speech ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? The Glottal Stop as a Sociolinguistic Stereotype Gender and Age The Variable and Gender The Variable and Age The Variable and Social Network TA Speech and Domains of Language Use ? TA Speech a Locus of Change in Progress Attitudes Towards Language Behaviour ? Introduction Sociolinguistics and Social-psychology of Language The Concept of ? Attitude ? Lambert ? s Matched-Guise Technique Standard- with-Dialect Communities vs Diglossic Situations Attitudinal Aspects in the Speech Community of Tlemcen ? ? ? ? ? ? Reactions to Language

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