Mgci guide Mountain Green Cover Index Guide on Data Collection and Validation November This guide has been prepared to support countries in using Collect Earth an FAO tool for the collection of relevant data to indicator Mountain Green Cover Index Please
Mountain Green Cover Index Guide on Data Collection and Validation November This guide has been prepared to support countries in using Collect Earth an FAO tool for the collection of relevant data to indicator Mountain Green Cover Index Please feel free to contact also someone from the Open Foris team through our community support forum or a direct email to m arcelo rezende fao org CContent Content Don ? t forget Concept Methodology Software Installation Installing Google Earth Downloading Google Earth Setting Up Google Earth Installing Collect Earth Downloading Collect Earth Setting up Collect Earth Loading the Survey File Loading the Data for Validation Loading the Grid Collect Earth Interface Google Earth Engine Explorer Google Earth Engine Code Editor Plot Design and Interpretation Classi ?cation Saiku Don ? t forget This guide has been prepared with speci ?c focus on the data collection and validation of existing data for the Sustainable Development Goal Indicator However Collect Earth has been extensively used for the reporting to other conventions as well with a strong focus on the collect of Activity Data for the Greenhouse gases inventory to the UNFCCC and the data for the Land Degradation Neutrality Process of the UNCCD For more information please check Open Foris Collect Earth Website CConcepts and De ?nitions Concept The ??Mountain Green Cover Index ? MGCI measures changes of the green vegetation in mountain areas - i e forest shrubs trees pasture land crop land etc ?? to provide indications on the status of conservation of their environment This index contributes to the achievement of SDG Goal ??Protect restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems sustainably manage forests combat deserti ?cation and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss ? and more speci ?cally to Target ??By ensure the conservation of mountain ecosystems including their biodiversity in order to enhance their capacity to provide bene ?ts that are essential for sustainable development ? The index is under the custodian of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation FAO through the Mountain Partnership Secretariat The Mountain Partnership www fao org mountain-partnership en is a United Nations voluntary alliance that brings members together to work towards a common goal improving the lives of mountain peoples and protecting mountain environments around the world Launched as a voluntary United Nations type partnership by Italy Switzerland FAO and the United Nations Environment Programme UNEP in Johannesburg in the Mountain Partnership has over members from governments intergovernmental organizations civil society and the private sector Its work is supported by a Secretariat hosted at FAO The scienti ?c mountain community recognizes that ?? with a few exceptions such as the one produced by climate change at high altitudes and latitudes and in zones covered by glaciers there is a direct correlation between the green coverage of mountain areas and mountain ecosystems ? state of health which also relates to mountains ? capacity to ful ?l their ecosystem roles In this context the objective of the Mountain Green
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- Publié le Dec 02, 2021
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- Langue French
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