Guide f2008 ver 1 CPatrick Carey pcarey gasan com pm Energy ef ?ciency in buildings CIBSE Guide F The Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers Balham High Road London SW BS CPatrick Carey pcarey gasan com pm The rights of publication or transl
CPatrick Carey pcarey gasan com pm Energy ef ?ciency in buildings CIBSE Guide F The Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers Balham High Road London SW BS CPatrick Carey pcarey gasan com pm The rights of publication or translation are reserved No part of this publication may be reproduced stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior permission of the Institution ? Third edition May The Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers London Registered charity number ISBN - - - - This document is based on the best knowledge available at the time of publication However no responsibility of any kind for any injury death loss damage or delay however caused resulting from the use of these recommendations can be accepted by the Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers the authors or others involved in its publication In adopting these recommendations for use each adopter by doing so agrees to accept full responsibility for any personal injury death loss damage or delay arising out of or in connection with their use by or on behalf of such adopter irrespective of the cause or reason therefore and agrees to defend indemnify and hold harmless the Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers the authors and others involved in their publication from any and all liability arising out of or in connection with such use as aforesaid and irrespective of any negligence on the part of those indemni ?ed Typesetting and layout by CIBSE Publications Printed in Great Britain by The Lavenham Press Ltd Lavenham Su ?olk CO RN Note from the publisher This publication is primarily intended to provide guidance to those responsible for the design installation commissioning operation and maintenance of building services It is not intended to be exhaustive or de ?nitive and it will be necessary for users of the guidance given to exercise their own professional judgement when deciding whether to abide by or depart from it CPatrick Carey pcarey gasan com pm Foreword to the third edition Since the last edition of CIBSE Guide F published in the UK Government has set a legally binding target to reduce national greenhouse gas emissions The Government ? s latest Carbon Plan sets out speci ?c targets for improving the energy ef ?ciency in new and existing buildings There have also been signi ?cant regulatory changes over the last eight years including two revisions to Part L of the Building Regulations and the transposition of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive into UK legislation The next two revisions of Part L will push for further improvements in energy ef ?ciency to progress towards the Government ? s aspiration for all new buildings to be zero carbon by This edition of CIBSE Guide F includes a new section on ? developing an energy strategy ? This re ects the changes to planning policy which now include targets for reducing carbon dioxide emissions from new developments and the need to submit a detailed
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- Publié le Jui 09, 2022
- Catégorie Administration
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 1.9MB