Fgd guide 1 FGD Guide Good afternoon everyone My name is Rolli I am currently taking my master ? s degree at the University of the Philippines Visayas I will be the moderator and note taker at the same time for this FGD Thank you once again for taking tim

FGD Guide Good afternoon everyone My name is Rolli I am currently taking my master ? s degree at the University of the Philippines Visayas I will be the moderator and note taker at the same time for this FGD Thank you once again for taking time and making yourself available Today our point of discussion is all about the Hurdles Opportunities and Approaches of Private Elementary Schools in Highly Sexualized Media Environment SME So what is SME A media-saturated environment - there is too much exposure of sexualized contents and messages in all new media platforms including social networking sites websites online videos etc Facets of SME Hurdles - di ?culties faced by teachers in SME Opportunities - motivational factors by teachers to do something about SME Approaches - methods and strategies to address the hurdles Simple rules and reminders - Everyone will get the chance to speak up speak one at a time - You are entitled with your opinions no one is judging your personal beliefs - the discussion is audio- recorded and the recording will be dealt con ?dentially - Follow-up questions can be given by the moderator only - SME is brought by all forms of New Media aka the Internet - We can ?nish the FGD once we answer all the questions raised I think we are now ready for the ?rst question Questions C

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