Wallpaper hanging guide how to wallpaper with wallsmart
WALLPAPER HANGING GUIDEHOW TO WALLPAPER WITH WALLSMART A BEFORE Remember to account for pattern repeat Always use paste suitable for non-woven wallpaper Check that all rolls of wallpaper have the same batch number Be sure to buy enough rolls with matching batch numbers in order to get the same colour on all rolls the batch number is printed on the label If you have large colour di ?erences on wall the wall must be primed before hanging the wallpaper primarily when using bright wallpaper B TOOLS Following tools are good too have Scissors Pencil Roller Paint brush Tray C A bowl of water Sponge Spatula Scraper A sharp knife GUIDE A Apply paste onto the wall with a roller Put on paste for about - lengths at a time Use a brush to apply paste by ceiling oor and edges B Pull up one length of wallpaper directly from the roll oor and hang it on the pas- D ted wall Make sure you have a few extra centimeters of wallpaper at the ceiling and oor and make sure that the wallpaper hangs straight C Make sure that the wallpaper hangs correctly by hanging a pair of scissors on a string from the ceiling ? D Smooth the section of wallpaper from the top down and from the centre outwards Use a wallpaper brush or spatula and make sure that all air bubbles are removed E E Trim excess wallpaper using a sharp wallpaper knife F Hang the next section by butting the edges together Make sure that the pattern matches across the two sections Wash away excess paste with a damp soft sponge Do not rub AFTER Make sure to ventilate the room well to make the wallpaper dry F The wallpaper is washable If needed wipe o ? with a damp sponge Wipe o ? vertically and do not rub
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- Publié le Mar 01, 2022
- Catégorie Administration
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 18.7kB