Guide to prospectus writing 1 objectives and audience
Guide to Prospectus Writing Dean Wheeler This brief guide is provided to aid my graduate students in writing the M S or Ph D prospectus required by the BYU Chemical Engineering Department It supplements the information contained in the department ? s Graduate Student Handbook Many of the principles here also apply to writing the thesis or dissertation Objectives and audience For any kind of writing you should understand the objectives of the document and tailor your material for the intended audience The objectives for almost all technical writing are to ? Sell your ideas This means you should convince the intended audience that your experiments and theories are important interesting valid and useful ? Disseminate scienti ?c knowledge This means you should accurately and concisely document your experimental procedures mathematical model and numerical results for others to use and verify The prospectus is a research proposal It is written to gain approval to carry out the project In de ?ning the scope of your project the approved prospectus becomes a kind of contract between you and your committee so that you know when you are done It is recognized that you may change directions along the way but with the prospectus in hand you have a place to start and an idea where to stop Because the prospectus is written before most of the research work is done the emphasis is on the ?rst item above ??Sell your ideas ? You must convince your graduate committee that ? Your project addresses an important problem in an appropriate way ? You have adequate preparation and a plan to solve the problem in a reasonable amount of time The audience is your graduate committee a small group of professors They will understand general chemical engineering concepts like process optimization phase and chemical equilibria kinetic vs transport limitations validation of numerical models experimental design and data analysis Not all committee members are experts in your particular sub ?eld and so will need to be given the appropriate background material to understand the terminology and theory speci ?c to your project They need to be told what is ??common knowledge ? in your sub ?eld and what is new and innovative about your work C Content Below is the general order of topics that I recommend along with a suggested length for each item for a Ph D prospectus The Ph D prospectus should contain about total pages an M S prospectus should contain about total pages Give a brief background of your ?eld of work identify a problem and establish the problem ? s importance around page This is your opportunity to generate interest in the audience about your project Avoid using highly technical jargon at this point State the scope of your project half page Do not just say you will work on X or study subject Y Instead give scienti ?c hypotheses you will test or research questions you intend to answer and outline the tools and methods you will
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- Publié le Aoû 07, 2022
- Catégorie Administration
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 37.7kB