Guide to Guide to Pokemon Trading using VBA on PC This guide attempts to explain how to trade pokemon with yourself in GBA games such as Pokemon Fire Red using Visual Boy Advance on the PC Anyone who plays pokemon games on emulators knows it is annoying n
Guide to Pokemon Trading using VBA on PC This guide attempts to explain how to trade pokemon with yourself in GBA games such as Pokemon Fire Red using Visual Boy Advance on the PC Anyone who plays pokemon games on emulators knows it is annoying not being able to trade for many reasons for example a number of pokemon can not evolve without trading and lots of pokemon can not be found in a single game and must be traded from another version Red Blue Gold Silver etc For this guide you need A pokemon game rom or two one is enough A gpSP or VBA save ?le with enough progress so that the game allows you to trade This special version of VBA from vbalink info These three settings ?les i prepared inis zip Size KB Downloads Lots of patience Step One Preparation Prepare a new folder somewhere on your computer I called it gbalink Extract both the zip ?les into there Now get the rom or roms you want to use For this guide I will be using only one Pokemon Leaf Green Next get the save ?les for your progress You can get these from the gpSP folder in PSP Game gpSP if you are playing on your PSP or from somewhere on your computer is you are playing the game in VBA on your PC After you put all these ?les into the gbalink folder it should look like this - Pokemon - Leaf Green Version U cfg - Pokemon - Leaf Green Version U gba - Pokemon - Leaf Green Version U sav Copying Copyright txt NEWS Readme txt Readme- link txt README-win txt vba ini vba ini vba ini VBALink info url VisualBoyAdvance exe You can delete the ones with a in front of them Step Two The save ?le issues This version of VBA is edited in such a way that it supports up to instances of the emulator running at once without interfering with each others ?les Now if you were to load the rom into the emulator you should notice it does not detect the sav ?le That is because it looks for a ?le with the extension san instead of sav n being the intstance of the emulator or In this guide I will trade pokemon with myself from the same save game but it should work with two di ?erent ones CSo Copy the sav ?le and paste it twice Rename them remove the 'Copy of ' part and replace sav at the end with sa and for the second one replace it with sa In order to do this you must have ?le extensions enabled in windows if you don't see sav or anything go to Tools Folder Options in explorer ?rst then go to the View tab and untick Hide extensions for known ?le types Click OK to go back to the gbalink folder and rename the copies So now you should have - Pokemon - Leaf
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- Publié le Dec 07, 2021
- Catégorie Industry / Industr...
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 132.7kB