Hab ship guide e Guide for Crew Habitability on Ships GUIDE FOR CREW HABITABILITY ON SHIPS FEBRUARY American Bureau of Shipping Incorporated by Act F D of Legislature of the State of New York Copyright American Bureau of Shipping ABS Plaza Northchase Driv

Guide for Crew Habitability on Ships GUIDE FOR CREW HABITABILITY ON SHIPS FEBRUARY American Bureau of Shipping Incorporated by Act F D of Legislature of the State of New York Copyright American Bureau of Shipping ABS Plaza Northchase Drive Houston TX USA CForeword Foreword February This Guide originally published in December has undergone signi ?cant revision Key revision areas include changes to the Whole-body Vibration WBV and Noise measurement and evaluation methodology and criteria changes to the ambient Lighting methodology and criteria and changes to the Accommodation Area criteria These revisions are due to several factors including Input from industry i e Owners designers and construction yards Revisions to standards referenced in this Guide Revised statutory regulations Changes in current vessel design practices and principles ABS has produced this Guide for Crew Habitability on Ships in order to provide a single source for habitability criteria suitable for ships This Guide may be applied to vessels falling under the categories of oil or chemical tankers bulk or combination carriers container carriers multi-purpose cargo vessels or crew areas on passenger vessels This Guide does not apply to vessels such as o ?shore support vessels tug boats tow boats dredgers research vessels drill ships anchor handling vessels or any other vessel providing service to o ?shore oil and gas exploration and production These types of vessels are addressed in other ABS Habitability Guides This Guide provides the assessment criteria and describes the measurement methodology for obtaining a ship Habitability notation It is intended for use by vessel Owners or companies requesting the optional notations of ship Habitability HAB ship Habitability Plus HAB or ship Habitability Plus Plus HAB For the HAB level this Guide focuses on ?ve categories of habitability criteria that can a ?ect task performance and can be controlled measured and assessed in crew work rest and recreation areas of ships These categories are accommodation area whole-body vibration separate criteria for accommodation areas and work spaces noise indoor climate and lighting For the HAB level this Guide invokes more stringent accommodation area whole-body vibration and noise criteria aimed at increasing crew comfort and safety For the HAB level there are more stringent accommodation area whole-body vibration noise and indoor climate criteria To be awarded any of these notations a vessel must meet the appropriate prescriptive criteria across the various habitability categories In addition to the HAB notation assignment at the Owner ? s request ABS may review the accommodation area design for compliance with ILO MLC Title requirements as related to the MLC-ACCOM notation Note The other ABS Habitability Guides include ABS Guide for Crew Habitability on Workboats ABS Guide for Crew Habitability on Mobile O ?shore Drilling Units and ABS Guide for Crew Habitability on O ?shore Installations This Guide becomes e ?ective on the ?rst day of the month of publication Users are advised to check periodically on the ABS website www eagle org to verify that this version of this Guide is the most current We welcome your

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  • Publié le Jan 24, 2021
  • Catégorie Administration
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 410.4kB