Kants aesthetic revolution

KANT'S AESTHETIC REVOLUTION Albert Hofstadter ABSTRACT This paper interprets the Critique of Judgment as the culmination of Kant's contribution to our understanding of freedom ??the human meaning of which is being-with-other-as-with-own Central to that complex achievement and to the overarching role assigned by Kant to the aesthetic dimension beauty feeling judgment and art is his revolutionary new way of seeing beauty and art as the expression of aesthetic ideas ??a de ?nition of them which carries him beyond formalism to illuminate also the modern and romantic search for freedom This move also brings Kant to the threshold of religious ethics as man's ultimate freedom his being-with-the-in ?nitely-transcendent-as-with- own is in art and beauty disclosed for imagination and made available for the life of feeling in this world The central matter of thinking as of life is freedom Kant's aesthetic revolution continuous with what he called his Copernican revolution in thought has to do with his e ?ort to think freedom Like every great thinker he is concerned eventually with the F ?roblem of the freedom of the individual in relation to his membership in the free social whole Kant is confronted with this problem in the context in which the enlightenment presented it He is the heir of Enlightenment thinking French English and German and ? This study was written under a Senior Fellowship from the National Endowment for the Humanities I am also gratefully indebted to the Research Committee of the University of California at Santa Cruz for funds allocated to speci ?c research in this and allied ?elds JRE - C HOFSTADTER he is the great source of our tradition who has handed over to us the major problems During the Enlightenment period the idea of humanity as such surpassing all nationalities races and religions began to become explicit ironically but intelligibly at the very time that national di ?erences were ?rming up more strongly than ever During the same period the idea of the inalienable rights of the individual as such also began to become explicit Within the human community each individual self was seen as the bearer of rights attaching to his very humanity and on that account inalienable These thoughts pervade the important documents of the French and American Revolutions and pervade as well the thoughts aspirations and actions by which those revolutions were brought about ??recognizing of course that their realization was and still remains far from the ideal Above all other philosophers Kant was the bearer of these thoughts His philosophizing was correlative to the revolution in socioeconomic political and legal practice that was taking place in and through the Enlightenment period especially toward its end in the late th century and the very early th His thinking was part of the total European revolution of the time The focus of his philosophical vision is the combination of the freedom of the human individual with the social community of mankind even with that of all rational beings His thinking penetrates to the source

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