Labsafetyguide full Laboratory Safety Guide Chemical and Radiation Protection O ?ce Safety Department University of Wisconsin-Madison CLegal Notice The information in this Laboratory Safety Guide its instructions guidance and suggestions pertain only to l
Laboratory Safety Guide Chemical and Radiation Protection O ?ce Safety Department University of Wisconsin-Madison CLegal Notice The information in this Laboratory Safety Guide its instructions guidance and suggestions pertain only to laboratory chemical use at the University of Wisconsin - Madison The Chemical and Radiation Protection O ?ce strives to insure the information in this manual is accurate complete and useful However neither the University of Wisconsin the Safety Department the members of the Safety Department other persons contributing to or assisting in the preparation of this manual makes any warranty express or implied or assumes any legal liability for the accuracy completeness or usefulness of any information apparatus product or process disclosed or represents that its use would not infringe privately owned rights or assumes any liability with respect to the use of or for damages resulting from the use of any information method or process disclosed in this report Other institutions ?rms and laboratories should not use this information and guidance without signi ?cant review and scrutiny Chemical acquisition use storage disposal criteria restrictions and guidelines di ?er for di ?erent states or cities each institution is subject to its own state and local laws Caution In many circumstances laboratory chemicals procedures practices and methods are potentially hazardous To use the information in this guide safely you must thoroughly understand your chemical hazards Before working in a laboratory review the safety information and references in this guide and we highly recommend that you also read have access to the following references Materials Safety Data Sheets MSDS for the materials you use Safety in Academic Chemical Laboratories Fifth Edition American Chemical Society Washington D C Prudent Practices in the Laboratory National Research Council National Academy Press Washington D C This information is meant for use by people who work in research laboratories Procedures apply only to laboratory scale quantities of materials and waste Users of this information should not modify or alter any equipment procedures or practices described herein If you have questions or comments on the information contained in this Guide contact the Chemical and Radiation Protection O ?ce at the address below International Standard Book Number ISBN - - -x Laboratory Safety Guide - ' Edition Formerly Chemical Safety and Disposal Guide Copyright ? University of Wisconsin System Board of Regents Additional copies of this manual are available from University of Wisconsin Madison Environment Health Safety Department East Campus Mall Madison WI - Call - Printed by University of Wisconsin Health Sciences Printing O ?ce University of Wisconsin-Madison Safety Department - Ciii PREFACE This revision looks at laboratory safety as a sum total of the work which goes on in the laboratory While most of the manual is still geared toward safe use and proper disposal of hazardous chemicals we have incorporated equipment safety sections which discuss proper usage of hazardous chemicals in laboratory equipment We have also tried to make it a little more readable and to provide some background information up front instead of tucked
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- Publié le Fev 02, 2021
- Catégorie Industry / Industr...
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 1.7MB