Informational guide Dedication This P S I S Informational Guide is dedicated to The dynamic group of teachers sta ? parents and students and To Dr George Gonzalez and Dr Gess LeBlanc whose wisdom commitment and dedication to our school inspires us all Con
Dedication This P S I S Informational Guide is dedicated to The dynamic group of teachers sta ? parents and students and To Dr George Gonzalez and Dr Gess LeBlanc whose wisdom commitment and dedication to our school inspires us all Contents School Mission Statement Message from the Principal School Recognitions School Background School Accomplishments Creativity Art Music Movement Elementary School ?? Grades PreK- Middle School ?? Grades - Conceptual Framework Special Support Services After School Programs Community and Partnerships School Vision School Faculty Parent Testimonials Principal ? s Non-Negotiables Excellence Mission Statement Patrick Henry Preparatory School Mission Statement ??Our mission is to provide quality education that enables all students to be successful today tomorrow and forever School home and community will work as partners to ensure each child ? s cognitive creative and social growth Our school will continue it ? s commitment to the professional development of all its partners ? LEADERSHIP At P S I S Leadership is de ?ned as the ability to create a vision articulate that vision passionately own that vision and relentlessly work to completion All members of the school community participate with the principal in leadership roles- teachers specialists students and parents There is opportunity through Student Government School Leadership Team and Grade Level Teams Our Video Study Program has been recognized as an outstanding example of empowering teachers Message from the Principal Dear Students and Families Speci ?cally PS aims to Our school is dedicated to providing its students with a high quality education that focuses on continuous academic achievement and social and emotional development of each student Our school strives to establish a strong partnership with parents and members of our community We take great pride in all of our students and work diligently to encourage nurture and motivate them to achieve optimum success in our challenging learning environment I know that the faculty and sta ? join me in expressing our excitement and anticipation for the upcoming school year ? Ensure that all students possess the habits of powerful literacy ? Eliminate achievement gaps among subgroups of students while improving the achievement of all ? Ensure that PS exceeds local state and national performance standards ? Make certain that all students are prepared for success at the high school level These are challenging but achievable goals that will take the synergetic e ?orts of our entire school community I am extremely proud of the many ?ne accomplishments of both students and sta ? PS has received numerous awards from the Department of Education It has been recognized by the State Education Department and Board of Regents as a High Performing Closing the Gap School We have been featured in both the New York Times and Daily News for our consistent performance The number of students performing well on these assessments is truly a tribute to the hard work and dedication of sta ? students and families at PS On behalf of the faculty and sta ? I look forward
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- Publié le Nov 19, 2021
- Catégorie Administration
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 88.9kB