Investigation guide Name Date Inquiry-based Investigation Guide Initial Investigation Include any connected knowledge you already have about this topic what the teacher shared with you and the relevant material you discovered through initial research cons
Name Date Inquiry-based Investigation Guide Initial Investigation Include any connected knowledge you already have about this topic what the teacher shared with you and the relevant material you discovered through initial research consult expert sources here My Question Pose a question related to the topic of investigation Hypothesis Prediction Create an If then statement ?rmly related to question that is testable through experimentation CThe Investigation List materials needed to perform this lab activity and provide laboratory steps in sequential order that will guide you through experimentation Provide a Data table and if used show calculations Materials Lab Procedure Data Table Calculations CSummary of Results Include any calculations What I learned What do the results tell you Was your hypothesis correct or incorrect Explain why Was there anything else you learned in this investigation Critical Thinking and Extension of Problem Connect something you learned earlier in this Unit or something related to the topics in the lab activity and what you discovered learned in the investigation You ? re not answering the question at the front of the procedure here Explain C
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- Publié le Apv 11, 2022
- Catégorie Administration
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 26.8kB