Marginalia 85 MARGINALIA Bulletin bibliographique des études sur les littératures et le ?lm populaires n SCIENCE-FICTION - FANTASTIQUE - FANTASY - ROMAN POLICIER WESTERN - RÉCIT DE GUERRE - ROMAN HISTORIQUE - BD - ÉROTICA LITTÉRATURE DE JEUNESSE Juin Marg
MARGINALIA Bulletin bibliographique des études sur les littératures et le ?lm populaires n SCIENCE-FICTION - FANTASTIQUE - FANTASY - ROMAN POLICIER WESTERN - RÉCIT DE GUERRE - ROMAN HISTORIQUE - BD - ÉROTICA LITTÉRATURE DE JEUNESSE Juin Marginalia est publié fois par an par NORBERT SPEHNER rue de Provence Longueuil J H R Québec Canada nspehner sympatico ca Cgénéralités Rappel la rubrique intitulée Généralités ? présente des ouvrages dans lesquels on mélange les genres les inclassables les études sur le roman et le ?lm d ? aventures l ? humour et le comique la culture populaire en général ainsi que certaines curiosités ? éditoriales LITTÉRATURE ALLEN Rob Thijs van den BERG eds Serialization in Popular Culture New York Routledge pages Foreword Christoph Lindner Introduction Rob Allen and Thijs van den Berg Part I Victorian Serials The Unruliness of Serials in the Nineteenth Century and in the Digital Age Mark Turner Pause you who read this Disruption and the Victorian Serial Novel Rob Allen Split ? peas Mrs Beeton and Domestic Time Decomposed Maria Damkjaer Part II Serialization on Screen The Logic of the Line Segment Continuity and Discontinuity in the Serial-Queen Melodrama Shane Denson Is it true blondes have more fun Mad Men and the Mechanics of Serialization Joyce Goggin The Walking Dead Quality Television Transmedia Serialization and Zombies Dan Hassler- Forest Ingmar Bergman Showrunner Sean O ? Sullivan Part III Serialization in Comic Books and Graphic Novels Serialization and Displacement in Graphic Narrative Jason Dittmer The Issues Issue A Series of Thoughts on Seriality in Daniel Clowes ? Eightball Angela Szczepaniak Part IV Digital Serialization The Sense of an Ending The Computer Game Fallout as a Serial Fiction Alistair Brown Circling the In ?nite Loop One Edit at a Time Seriality in Wikipedia and the Encyclopedic Urge Erinç Salor The Serialization Game Computer Hardware and the Serial Production of Video Games Thijs van den Berg BERBERICH Christine ed The Bloomsbury Introduction to Popular Fiction London Bloomsbury Academic xv pages Christine Berberich 'Introduction The Popular Literature versus literature Part I History I i Christopher Pittard 'The Victorian Context Serialization Circulation Genres' I ii Christine Berberich 'Twentieth-Century Popular History Theory and Context' Part II Genres II i Maryan Wherry 'More than a Love Story The Complexities Of the Popular Romance' II ii Alice Ferrebe ' ??The Lads' Own Paper ? Male Confessional Literature and the Legacy of Adventure I iii Andy Sawyer 'Science Fiction The Sense of Wonder' II iv Stefania Ciocia 'Rules are Meant to Be Broken Twentieth- and Twenty-First Century Crime Writing' II v Gina Wisker 'Disturbance Disorder Destruction Disease Horror Fiction Today' II vi Lena Steveker 'Alternative Worlds Popular Fiction not only for Children' II vii Monica Germanà 'The Coming of Age of Graphic Narratives' Part III Case Studies III i Ben Clarke 'H G Wells Élitism and Popular Fiction' III ii Patrick Parrinder 'John Buchan and the Spy Thriller' III iii Juan F Elices 'Manipulating Popularity A Case Study of Ian Fleming's James Bond Series III iv
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- Publié le Apv 24, 2021
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- Langue French
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