Mini guide 1 CPostgraduate Studies Guide About Oman Omanlies on the south east corner of the Arabian Peninsula Its coast extends to a distance of km from the Strait of Hormuz in the north to the borders of the Republic of Yemen in the South overlooking th

CPostgraduate Studies Guide About Oman Omanlies on the south east corner of the Arabian Peninsula Its coast extends to a distance of km from the Strait of Hormuz in the north to the borders of the Republic of Yemen in the South overlooking three seas the Arabian Gulf the Gulf of Oman and the Arabian Sea It is bordered on the west by the United Arab Emirates and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia IMPORTANT FACTS Population including expatriates Language Arabic o ?cial English widely spoken Capital City of Muscat Natural Resources Oil Natural Gas Copper Fishery Agriculture Local Time GMT Currency Omani Rial Business Hours Shopping Hours Government Private Sector and am pm Sultanate of Oman Deanship of Postgraduate Studies C About SQU Onthe th of November the foundation stone of Sultan Qaboos University was established as a ful ?llment of the promise of His Majesty Sultan Qaboos After four years the University received its ?rst batch of students in September The University has six colleges in the sciences and four colleges in the humanities The Arabic language is the medium of instruction in the College of Arts and Social Sciences College of Law and College of Education The English language is the medium of instruction in the Colleges of Medicine and Health Sciences Engineering Science Commerce and Economics and Agricultural and Marine Sciences The University is sta ?ed with distinguished Omani and international faculty members The academic year consists of two regular semesters autumn and spring each totaling weeks The summer semester extends for weeks Sultan Qaboos University Sultan Qaboos University CPostgraduate Studies Guide PostDgreaadnushatipe of Studies MISSION The mission of the Deanship of Postgraduate Studies at Sultan Qaboos University is to promote nationally and internationally the high quality postgraduate programs o ?ered at Sultan Qaboos University and to support colleges by ? ? Coordinating all matters relevant to admission registration and graduation of postgraduate students ? ? Marketing and publicizing of programs ? ? Administering of the Postgraduate Academic Regulations ? ? Managing scholarship ? ? O ?ering workshops and courses to develop postgraduate students ? and faculty members ? skills in research and scholarship endeavors OBJECTIVES The main objectives of the Deanship of Postgraduate Studies are to ? ? Implement the University postgraduate academic guidelines and policies ? ? Support the University and Colleges ? endeavors to produce high quality graduates ? ? Serve the needs of Omani and international students who desire to advance their knowledge innovation and skills in the workplace Mission Objectives Deanship of Postgraduate Studies C POSTGRADUATE PROGRAMS College Agricultural and Marine Sciences Arts Social Sciences Economics and Political Science Education Engineering Law Medicine and Health Sciences Science Nursing PostgDreaadnusahteipSotuf dies PhD Masters SCHOLARSHIPS Scholarship are available for both masters and doctoral studies Based on merit they may include tuition waiver and stipend monthly allawance Postgraduate Programs Scolarships Sultan Qaboos University CPostgraduate Studies Guide Skills Programs Weo ?er skills courses and seminars speci ?cally designed to support graduate students during their studies These

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