Silent hill 3 guia ingles Silent Hill Spoiler-Free Walkthrough by Muni Shinobu Version Last Updated - - View Download Original File Hosted by GameFAQs Return to Silent Hill PS FAQs Guides Liked this FAQ Click here to recommend this item to other users Sil
Silent Hill Spoiler-Free Walkthrough by Muni Shinobu Version Last Updated - - View Download Original File Hosted by GameFAQs Return to Silent Hill PS FAQs Guides Liked this FAQ Click here to recommend this item to other users Silent Hill Spoiler-Free Walkthrough FAQ Version Written by Muni Shinobu muni shinobu yahoo com SILENT HILL SPOILER-FREE WALKTHROUGH FAQ Contents Spoiler-Free Walkthrough Puzzle Solutions Weapons Endings Secrets SPOILER-FREE WALKTHROUGH Lakeside Amusement Park Dream Keep advancing on the pretty much straight forward path Once you reach the end of the roller coaster rails you'll clear the area You'll also clear the area if Heather dies So if you just want to skip the wandering around let Heather be killed by a monster or fall into a pit In Action Level Easy Heather can't fall into pits so just let monsters kill her There's a shop along the way with nothing in it Similar to the beginning of Silent Hill you will only experience this area on your very ?rst playthrough of the game Central Square Shopping Center Save Point on the restroom mirror Exit the restroom through the window Go toward Heather's right and enter the door along the path After game clear in Extra New Game if you earned it the In ?nite Submachine Gun is at the dead end toward Heather's left Enter the store with a light coming out of it the Boutique Receive Handgun after the event Take the Handgun Bullets on the display bench and exit through the door behind the counter Retrieve the Shopping Mall Map from the bulletin board then go through the nearby door with the words EXIT written on it to head toward F Go into Helen's Bakery to retrieve the Tongs CAfter game clear in Extra New Game if you earned it the Flamethrower is on the counter Go into the map top slanted storage room with the Save Point and retrieve the Key Taken With Tongs After game clear in Extra New Game if you earned it the Beam Saber is on the door to the West of this room Use this newly acquired key on the door of My Bestsellers and enter the bookstore Solve the puzzle and unlock the door at the back of the bookstore to exit After the event ride the elevator back down to F Receive Radio in the elevator After the event upon exiting the elevator Heather will be in the Otherside Central Square Shopping Center Central Square Shopping Center Otherside Save Point in the room across from the bottom left men's restroom Flashlight in the storage room to the left of the top left women's restroom Bleach in the top left women's restroom Riddle Level Normal and above only If there is a Silent Hill save ?le in the inserted memory card there is a special event in one of the dirty toilets Hanger and Bulletproof Vest in the boutique Go to the bottom left room of the top left area of the shopping center
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- Publié le Mar 03, 2021
- Catégorie Industry / Industr...
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 116.3kB