Teaching guide 2 Teaching Guide We learn BOOK Social Studies For Secondary Schools Khadija Chagla-Baig contents Contents Pages Introduction iv Unit The universe Unit Maps and globes Unit The Earth Unit Inside the Earth Unit Natural energy resources Unit T
Teaching Guide We learn BOOK Social Studies For Secondary Schools Khadija Chagla-Baig contents Contents Pages Introduction iv Unit The universe Unit Maps and globes Unit The Earth Unit Inside the Earth Unit Natural energy resources Unit The Indus Valley Civilization Unit The arrival of the Aryans Unit Muslims in Sindh Unit The Muslim Dynasties I Unit The Muslim Dynasties II Unit The spread of Islam Unit Rights and responsibilities Unit Traditions and celebrations Unit The national ag and the anthem Unit Problem solving Worksheets Answer key Additional questions Introd uction Introduction This teaching guide is a valuable asset to the teacher of We Learn Social Studies Book It o ?ers step-by-step guidance about how to use the student ? s book so that maximum bene ?t is passed on to students At the same time it makes your work easy Social studies is generally considered to be a very dry subject It would be a challenge for you to create interest in your students and to make them look forward to each social studies period It is a good idea to begin a lesson with an introductory activity It prepares students for what is to follow builds their interest in the topic and helps them focus The teaching guide gives ideas for an introductory activity with each lesson In addition to history geography economics and environment social studies also make civics its topic Please stress on character building and civic sense in your classes These aspects of a child ? s grooming are generally neglected which is regrettable It manifests in our society which is by and large found to be lacking any civic sense Being the purview of this subject it becomes your responsibility to put due stress on it in the classroom Please make use of the colourful illustrations and photographs in the textbook to generate interest among students and to explain the topic This teaching guide is bilingual If you ?nd the English version di ?cult to follow kindly refer to the Urdu translation for maximum bene ?t Answers to the questions in the textbook have been given for your bene ?t There are also additional questions which will make your task of preparing of question papers easy Please also make use of the photocopiable worksheets where time permits It is hoped that you will ?nd the teaching guide a valuable asset iv The universe UNIT THE UNIVERSE TEACHING OBJECTIVES ? to introduce the concept of the universe and the Big Bang Theory ? to describe the solar system and its components as part of the universe ? to explain the terms celestial galaxy milky way solar system asteroids meteors planets and satellites ? to investigate the nature of each celestial body and compare di ?erences and similarities Teaching time periods RESOURCES textbook an encyclopaedia or any other book that contains pictures of topics in the unit LESSON PLAN Periods ?? Introductory activity Prepare the classroom in advance by putting relevant pictures or illustrations of the universe
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- Publié le Sep 04, 2022
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- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 218.3kB