Timber roofing guide FOREWORD Harmony Roof Tiles has great pleasure in presenting this Technical Manual to the industry and take this opportunity to explain a little more about its background For a number of years our company has been aware of the need to

FOREWORD Harmony Roof Tiles has great pleasure in presenting this Technical Manual to the industry and take this opportunity to explain a little more about its background For a number of years our company has been aware of the need to provide our clients with more detailed information about ?xing concrete roof tiles that is to include information for bricklayers roof carpenters and roof plumbers We also realised the need to improve the assistance given to architects engineers and designers by providing more detailed information for their design work Although this manual has been published primarily for these reasons other information has been included such as product details of both tiles and accessories standards and ?xing procedures We believe that this Technical Manual will go a long way in answering all of your questions concerning performance and ?xing of Harmony Roof Tiles HARMONY TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS CCONTENTS PRODUCTS AND ACCESSORIES PAGES Alpine Villa Shingle Ridge Cap Rake Ridge Finials AUSTRALIAN STANDARDS AS - Manufacturing AS - Installation inc ammendments ROOF PITCHES AND REQUIREMENTS PAGES Roof Pitch Alpine and Villa Roof Pitch Shingle CONSIDERATIONS FOR HIGH WIND AREAS PAGES Fixing Requirements De ?nitions of Fixing Methods GENERAL ROOF PREPARATION PAGES Sca ?olding and General Guard Rail Requirements Preparatory Trades Flashing a Side Abutment Flashing b Secret Flashing c Dutch Gable Flashing - Bedded Verge Barge Board and Scribed Fillet Fire Wall Rafter Spacings Height of Tilt Board Exposed Rafters and Counter Battens Valley Boards and Flashings Box Gutter a Between two slopes b To parapet wall Discharge of Water from Upper Roof Change of Pitch a Less than b More than HARMONY TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS - C SARKING PAGES Bene ?ts General Uses General Requirements and Fixing a Valleys b Change of Pitch c Sarking Support - d Anti- ap Pads FIXING TILES AND ACCESSORIES PAGES Introduction Setting Out for Alpine and Villa Pro ?les a Spacing Table- Alpine Villa Based on a mm Headlap Setting Out for Shingle Pro ?le a Spacing Table ??Shingle Based on a mm Headlap Fixing Battens Loading Roof Laying and Fixing Tiles - Hip and Valleys Bedding and Pointing Ridge and Tile Clipping a Ridge Clip b Tile Clip Rake Ridge a Finish to Brick Gables b Finish to Barge Board c Finish to Sawtooth Roof GLOSSARY OF TERMS PAGES - ? Harmony Roof Tiles The information in this manual is subject to change without notice Updates to this manual will be issued periodically However to ensure that you have the most up-to-date information visit the Harmony Roof Tiles web site at harmonyrooftiles com au The web site provides an online version of this manual which contains the most recent changes HARMONY TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS - C PRODUCTS AND ACCESSORIES Alpine Construction Extruded concrete interlocking roo ?ng tile with fused or integral colour and clear sealer coat Manufactured to exceed the minimum requirements of AS Application Roof and wall covering in pitch range of Weight kg average Tiles per m Nominal mm head lap HARMONY TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS -

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