You will learn to talk about things in the past talk about what you did last weekend

You will learn to Talk about things in the past Talk about what you did last weekend GUIDE NUMBER A WEEK AGO A WONDERFUL WEEKEND Read the paragraphs and guess who is Connie André and Olga Track Listen to the conversations and write the names in the morning I stayed at home and I listened to music Then I phoned a friend and we went into town we went shopping And in th This morning I got up early went shopping Then I cooked some lunch In the afternoon I went for a walk The weather was bea In the morning I just stayed at home I worked on my computer wrote some emails Then I met a friend in town We went shop GRAMMAR Regular Irregular Verb past Stay ?? stayed Listened Phoned Cooked Watched Verb past Get up ?? got up Go gone Have had Write written Meet met Using the verbs in past from the box to complete the sentences Watched got up Phoned gone stayed written lunch in a restaurant early and Listened a friend and get to the cinema at home and had some emails to the radio shopping TV C Read the text to identify to be in past ting yesterday I was there of course and Hassan and Paula were there But María was in hospital and Boris was on Holiday And Peter wa A ?rmative Was I he she it I was there A ?rmative Were You we they We were at work Negative Wasn ? t I he she it I wasn ? t there Complete the sentences with the was or were I was in London on Monday They were at home yesterday We were on holiday They were in Paris last year My mother was ill She was here on Monday Track Listen to the conversation and choose the correct word I was wasn ? t at the meeting Boris and Maria were weren ? t at the meeting Peter was wasn ? t there It was wasn ? t a very good meeting A ?rmative Weren ? t You we they We weren ? t at work Use the words in the box to make sentences At home asleep in bed on holiday at work at a meeting at a party My father was at home My sister was at work They were at a party My mother was asleep My aunt was sick in bed My brother was in at a meeting CCalled and by Match the word to make sentences A movie Hips don ?t lie A song A book written A beautiful place called by San Agustin Shakira Cinderella Gabriel García Márquez Beyonce Now write your own sentences I saw a movie called Cinderella There is a beautiful place called San Agustin Hips don ? t lie by Shakira There is a book writeen by Gabriel Garcia marquez I like a song by beyonce Good or bad Good Excellent Wonderful Very good Bad Terrible Very

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