As1684 1 guide 1 AS USER GUIDE GUIDE TO THE USE OF AS Nominal vs Speci ?c Fixings Latest editions of this and other User Guides are available from www timber org au June The Code clause and table references given below apply to Part and Part unless speci
AS USER GUIDE GUIDE TO THE USE OF AS Nominal vs Speci ?c Fixings Latest editions of this and other User Guides are available from www timber org au June The Code clause and table references given below apply to Part and Part unless speci ?cally noted Background AS Parts and provide nominal and where required speci ?c ?xing details for various wind classi ?cations Some confusion has arisen as to if speci ?c ?xings are required what nominal ?xings are required in addition to the speci ?c ?xings The key to this issue is given in Clause ?rst paragraph second sentence that states - Unless otherwise speci ?ed the details provided are in addition to nominal nailing see Clause ? Discussion The intent of this requirement is to ensure that even if speci ?c ?xings are required to resist uplift forces tie-down connections that other forces and actions due to gravity shear and construction loads are not overlooked Example A strap over a rafter may be required for tie-down of roof uplift forces but this alone does not provide shear resistance to lateral wind pressure that acts on the side of the wall The nominal nailing requirements usually skew nails through the rafter into the top plate can however resist this lateral load On the other hand if we consider another speci ?c batten tie-down that may be required such as a strap over the batten the detail shown in Table f and g does not indicate the need for an additional nail It is obvious in this case that for construction purposes alone at least one nail should ?x the batten to the rafter truss prior to the ?xing of the strap Some Other Examples Table a x dia nails are given an uplift capacity and therefore they may be used as speci ?c connections for tie-down and at the same time provide the nominal nailing Table g Nominal nailing would not be required if the joist hangers were the initial connections installed however it would be usual practice to skew nail the joist in position prior to attaching the joist hangers in which case x dia nails would be required Table d Nominal nailing of studs to plates is required Table c Nominal nailing of rafter truss to top plate is required For some other situations the addition of the minimum nominal nailing requirements would be redundant because the speci ?c tie-down ?xings provide far greater capacity to handle the other forces and actions other than uplift Example There are no nominal connections speci ?ed for roof battens to rafters trusses but speci ?c tie-down is required nails screws etc The last sentence of the ?rst paragraph in Clause states that - Unless otherwise speci ?ed herein not less than two nails shall be provided at each joint As a minimum battens are nailed by one nail to rafters trusses This is still the minimum requirement even when a speci ?c ?xing is required and obviously the
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Gratuit pour un usage personnel Aucune attribution requise- Détails
- Publié le Oct 07, 2022
- Catégorie Heavy Engineering/...
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 31kB