Cacti 087b guide Ubuntu Dapper Drake with Cacti cacti- b tar gz by corbin Plugin Architecture Install with Syslog-NG Speci ?c Plugin Installation Download Ubuntu Server LTS at http www ubuntu com getubuntu download Download Cacti from www cacti net Downlo
Ubuntu Dapper Drake with Cacti cacti- b tar gz by corbin Plugin Architecture Install with Syslog-NG Speci ?c Plugin Installation Download Ubuntu Server LTS at http www ubuntu com getubuntu download Download Cacti from www cacti net Download the Plugin Architecture and the Plugins from http cactiusers org index php Good How to Install for Ubuntu ? http www howtoforge com perfectsetupubuntu Install Ubuntu with ISO - Use the Basic Ubuntu Dapper Drake Server Install - First Option ?? Should go pretty quick with no issue I installed mine on a VMWARE virtual machine with processors GB Memory and GB Hard Drive Set static IP address vi etc networking interfaces Remove the dhcp iface eth inet dhcp setting and add the following lines ? The primary network interface auto eth iface eth inet static address netmask network broadcast gateway Run command to restart network services for new IP to take e ?ect etc init d networking restart Run ifcon ?g to see if changes took e ?ect ifcon ?g Enable ssh for Putty - http www chiark greenend org uk sgtatham putty download html sudo apt-get install openssh- server openssh-client Install Apache Web Server with PHP Support sudo apt-get install apache apache -common apache -mpm- prefork apache -utils sudo apt- get install libapache -mod-php php -cli php -common php -cgi Install mysql server sudo apt-get install mysql-server mysql-client libmysqlclient -dev sudo apt-get install php -mysql Other Dependencies - some of the dependencies will change in the future - run them separately without the number and it may tell you what the next version available is sudo apt-get install make gcc g sudo apt-get install cgilib freetype libttf-dev libttf libpng -dev libfreetype -dev libart- -dev snmp Allow MySQL Remote Administator to Access Server - int etc mysql my cnf change the bind-address to the ip address of the server Needed Packages sudo apt-get install linux-kernel- headers sudo apt-get install build-essential Install RRD TOOL ?? sudo cd usr local src sudo wget http tobi oetiker ch oetiker webtools rrdtool pub rrdtool tar gz C sudo tar xfvz rrdtool- tar gz sudo cd rrdtool- sudo con ?gure sudo make sudo make install This will complete the RRD tool Installation from Source INSTALL CACTI Set Directory to work From sudo cd var www Get Latest Cacti Tarball sudo wget http www cacti net downloads cacti- b tar gz Untar the Tar ?le sudo tar xzvf cacti- i tar gz Perform the mv command to rename the directory sudo mv cacti- b cacti Change directory to cacti directory cd cacti Create Cacti Database sudo myssqladmin -u root create cacti Import the default Cacti Database sudo mysql cacti cacti sql Create a cactiuser sudo useradd cactiuser passwd cactiuser userpassword Make cactiuser part of www-data group sudo usermod -G www-data cactiuser Change owner ship of var www cacti rra and var www cacti log directories sudo chown -R cactiuser www-data rra log Verify owernship of the rra log directories - list directories with permissions ls -l Create
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Gratuit pour un usage personnel Aucune attribution requise- Détails
- Publié le Apv 16, 2021
- Catégorie Heavy Engineering/...
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 86kB