Emcees guide Morning Schedule Time Topic - mins Registration Phase Disseminatin g Results ?ndings Emcee-Welcome Speaker Person-in-Charge CNETRU ?? mins Prayer - mis Nathan Mijares Recognize VIP ? s namely as follows Dr Carmelo CantoTraining Director ??PET

Morning Schedule Time Topic - mins Registration Phase Disseminatin g Results ?ndings Emcee-Welcome Speaker Person-in-Charge CNETRU ?? mins Prayer - mis Nathan Mijares Recognize VIP ? s namely as follows Dr Carmelo CantoTraining Director ??PET Dr Jorge Marlon Tabligan- CMPS Dr Jose Maria CorunaQuality and Safety Head Dr Eufemia OctavianoPrevious Board of Nursing Emcee set the mode of the conference Objectives phases QR code- paperless Internet connection Privacy of information Ethics Inspirational Message minutes Masskara Dance - minutes Introduction of guest Speaker Dr Jorge Marlon Tabligan Chief for Medical Professional Sta ? CV Jen C ?? cue usherretes spontaneous - hour Lecture Disseminating research ?ndings and transforming nursing practice Jenni ?er T Paguio MA RN Photo Op a Dr Drilon with speaker b Dr Drilon with speaker and invited guest internal and external c Dr Drilon with the speaker and committee members d Dr Drilon speakers and CQI researchers e ALL Emcee will announce the sequence of the photo op Phase II Presentation of the CQI Studies Guideline points guideline Emphasize prior to the presentation this is a ?nished study -dissemination of results One question will be entertained per presentation Highlight the achievements of each researcher of each QI Team st set of presenters- groups who have completed the PDSA cycles nd set- will adjust accordingly ?? LUNCH BREAK ?? Presentation hours mins presentation mins feedback and Q A Wrap Up of the whole CQI studies Intermission Presentation mins presentation mins feedback and Q A CNETRU and CQI teams Emcee Provide emcees eith what to wrap up Rhett Vingno Remaining groups C ?? mins Workshop Developing a dissemination activity plan Facilitators Jenni ?er T Paguio MA RN Keena S Moreno RN CNETRU Phase III Workshop Research Disseminatio n Plan ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? mins hour mins minutes mins Lecture Developing a poster Jenni ?er T Paguio MA RN Workshop Hands-on activity on developing a poster Mechanics keena Facilitators Jenni ?er T Paguio MA RN Keena S Moreno RN Workshop Poster presentation Lecture Writing for publication Jenni ?er T Paguio MA RN ?? translating your CQI into manuscripts Presentation Sharing of formulated dissemination activity plans CQI teams and other participants -submission of dissemination Separate session Marybeth Marcial OIC Chief Giving of Certi ?cates of Nurse Appreciation to J Paguio and Keena Moreno Giving of Certi ?cates of Lucia Alarba OIC Assistant Chief Nurse for Clinical and Quality Safety Attendance to all QI Researchers Ma Caroline Gonzales OIC Assistant Chief Nurse for Training C

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