Fells guide Middlesex Fells Reservation The DCR Middlesex Fells Reservation The Middlesex Fells Reservation ? s acres o ?er a welcome retreat for city dwellers and a suitable terrain for hikers mountain bikers horseback riders cross-country skiers and pic

Middlesex Fells Reservation The DCR Middlesex Fells Reservation The Middlesex Fells Reservation ? s acres o ?er a welcome retreat for city dwellers and a suitable terrain for hikers mountain bikers horseback riders cross-country skiers and picnickers as well as natural and cultural history enthusiasts The ??Fells ? takes its name from the Saxon word for rocky hilly tracts of land an apt name for this scenic area The area was ?rst explored by Governor Winthrop and his men in the winter of ?? they came to a very great pond having in the midst an island Middlesex Fells Reservation Headquarters The Botume House Visitor Center Woodland Road Stoneham MA - Open ?? weather permitting TRAIL DESCRIPTIONS The trails at the Middlesex Fells Reservation include both wider forest road - trails ?re roads and narrower single track trails Approved trails are marked on the trail map and generally signed or blazed There are also many illegal user-created trails within the reservation DCR is working to close many of these trails Please avoid user-created trails and respect trail closures Many single track trails have steep rough and rocky sections and may be slippery or muddy at any time of the year All users should use caution MiddlesexFells indd of about one acre and very thick with trees of pine and beech and the pond had divers small rocks standing up here and there in it which therefore called Spot Pond ? quote from Gov Winthrop ? s private papers Later the land was favored for its timber granite quarrying ice industry and water power for many mills By the ? s preserving open space for public use was gaining interest the Middlesex Fells Reservation became one of the ?rst preserved public parks and a prototype for urban park systems across the country Today it ? s legacy remains as a green respite six miles north of Boston and among the most mature woodlands in eastern Massachusetts West of Route ? Skyline Trail White blazes miles Average hiking time hours The trail follows the outer perimeter of the western Fells There are spectacular views of Boston and the surrounding area Most of the Skyline Trail is in wooded landscape with several steep ascents to rocky outcrops This trail is open to pedestrians only A di ?cult hike ? Reservoir Trail Orange blazes miles Average hiking time hours This multiuse trail encircles the north middle and south reservoirs and the open water can be seen from many sites the reservoirs are for drinking water so access to them is prohibited A moderate to di ?cult hike ? Long Pond Nature Trail Yellow blazes miles Average hiking time hour The nature trail was developed by Winchester Trails sponsored by the Winchester School Dept and Conservation Commission This organization has a nature pamphlet and a teacher ? s manual describing plants animals insects and geology at trail stations This area is open for pedestrian use only An easy hike Spot Pond ? Mountain Bike Loop

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