air quality monitoring system 1 1 abstract 1

Air Quality Monitoring System Abstract Air pollution has become a common phenomenon everywhere Specially in the urban areas air pollution is a real-life problem In the urban areas the increased number of petrol and diesel vehicles and the presence of industrial areas at the outskirts of the major cities are the main causes of air pollution The problem is seriously intensi ?ed in the metropolitan cities The governments all around the world are taking every measure in their capacity Many European countries have aimed to replace petrol and diesel vehicles with the electric vehicles by Even India has aimed to do so by The main aim of this project is to develop a device which can monitor PPM in air in real time tell the quality of air and log data to a remote server ThingSpeak The air monitoring device developed in this project is based on Arduino Uno The Arduino board connects with ThingSpeak platform using ESP Wi-Fi module The sensor used for monitoring the air pollution is MQ - gas sensor The sensor data is also displayed on a character LCD System Design and Architecture Arduino Uno Arduino Uno is one of the most popular prototyping boards It is small in size and packed with rich features The board comes with built-in Arduino boot loader It is an Atmega based controller board which has GPIO pins PWM pins Analog inputs and on board UART SPI and TWI interfaces In this IOT device pins of the board are utilized There are six pins used to interface the character LCD There are two pins utilized to interface the ESP Wi-Fi Module and an analog input pin is used to connect the MQ - sensor X Character LCD The X LCD display is used to monitor the sensor values read by the Arduino board from MQ - It is interfaced with the Arduino Uno by connecting its data pins D to D with pins down to of the controller respectively The RS and E pins of the LCD are connected to pins and of the controller respectively The RW pin of the LCD module is connected to the ground x LCD CESP Wi-Fi Module The ESP WiFi Module is a self contained SOC with integrated TCP IP protocol stack that can give any microcontroller access to your WiFi network The ESP is capable of either hosting an application networking functions from another application Each ESP module comes pre-programmed with an AT command The ESP supports APSD for VoIP applications and Bluetooth co-existence interfaces it contains a self-calibrated RF allowing it to work under all operating conditions and requires no external RF parts Features b g n Wi-Fi Direct P P soft-AP Integrated TCP IP protocol stack Integrated TR switch balun LNA power ampli ?er and matching network Integrated PLLs regulators DCXO and power management units dBm output power in b mode Power down leakage current of uA MB Flash Memory Integrated low power -bit CPU could be used as application processor

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