tesl teacher educators professional self development identity and agency yazan 1

TESL Teacher Educators ? Professional Self-Development Identity and Agency Bedre in Yazan Using the concepts of identity and agency this Perspectives article discusses my recent e ?orts of self-development when designing an identity-oriented Teaching English as a second language TESL teacher education course around teacher candidates ? semester-long autoethnography writing assignment called ??critical autoethnographic narrative ? CAN It speci ?cally unpacks the ways I negotiated and enacted my identities of teacher educator and researcher of teacher education while I was incorporating identity as the main goal in teacher candidates ? learning In closing this article o ?ers recommendations for TESL teacher educators who consider designing identity-oriented courses and suggests some future research directions À l ? aide des concepts de l ? identité et de l ? agentivité ou capacité d ? agir cet article de Perspectives illustre mes récents e ?orts d ? autoperfectionnement alors que je concevais un cours de formation d ? enseignantes et enseignants d ? anglais langue seconde axé sur l ? identité et ce autour de l ? imposition d ? un projet d ? écriture autoethnographique d ? un semestre appelé exposé autoethnographique critique ? à des candidates et candidats à l ? enseignement L ? article révèle spéci ?quement la façon dont je suis parvenu à négocier et faire valoir mes identités de formateur d ? enseignants et de chercheur en éducation d ? enseignants alors que je faisais de l ? identité le principal objectif de l ? apprentissage des candidats et candidates à l ? enseignement En terminant cet article o ?re des recommandations à l ? intention des formateurs d ? enseignantes et enseignants d ? anglais langue seconde qui songent à concevoir des cours axés sur l ? identité et ce en plus de proposer des orientations futures en matière de recherche narrative teacher educator self-development identity agency critical autoethnographic Introduction The line of research on identity in Teaching English as a second or other language TESOL applied linguistics was spearheaded by Bonny Norton ? s seminal work and it was mostly focused on the important role of learners ? identity in the process of language learning and use This was later followed by studies on language teachers ? identities and there is now an established strand of research that seeks to understand language teacher TESL CANADA JOURNAL REVUE TESL DU CANADA VOLUME ISSUE PP ?? https doi org tesl v i Cidentity in relation to varying aspects of teaching practices and surrounding sociopolitical and cultural discourses and power relations Faez Varghese Motha Trent Park Reeves Yazan Rudolph More recently the development of language teacher educators TEs has also been scrutinized because they play a ??central role in de ?ning and disseminating ideas about pedagogy ? through their work with teacher candidates TCs Wright p Researchers a ended to the ways in which language TEs construct their knowledge base of language teacher education conceive of their beliefs values and priorities in the practices of teacher education Peercy Sharkey

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