Ads em guide EM Simulation Advanced Design System September EM Simulation CEM Simulation ? Agilent Technologies Inc - Stevens Creek Blvd Santa Clara CA USA No part of this documentation may be reproduced in any form or by any means including electronic st

EM Simulation Advanced Design System September EM Simulation CEM Simulation ? Agilent Technologies Inc - Stevens Creek Blvd Santa Clara CA USA No part of this documentation may be reproduced in any form or by any means including electronic storage and retrieval or translation into a foreign language without prior agreement and written consent from Agilent Technologies Inc as governed by United States and international copyright laws Acknowledgments Mentor Graphics is a trademark of Mentor Graphics Corporation in the U S and other countries Mentor products and processes are registered trademarks of Mentor Graphics Corporation Calibre is a trademark of Mentor Graphics Corporation in the US and other countries Microsoft Windows MS Windows Windows NT Windows and Windows Internet Explorer are U S registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation Pentium is a U S registered trademark of Intel Corporation PostScript and Acrobat are trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated UNIX is a registered trademark of the Open Group Oracle and Java and registered trademarks of Oracle and or its a ?liates Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners SystemC is a registered trademark of Open SystemC Initiative Inc in the United States and other countries and is used with permission MATLAB is a U S registered trademark of The Math Works Inc HiSIM source code and all copyrights trade secrets or other intellectual property rights in and to the source code in its entirety is owned by Hiroshima University and STARC FLEXlm is a trademark of Globetrotter Software Incorporated Layout Boolean Engine by Klaas Holwerda v http www xs all nl kholwerd bool html FreeType Project Copyright c - by David Turner Robert Wilhelm and Werner Lemberg QuestAgent search engine c - JObjects Motif is a trademark of the Open Software Foundation Netscape is a trademark of Netscape Communications Corporation Netscape Portable Runtime NSPR Copyright c - The Mozilla Organization A copy of the Mozilla Public License is at http www mozilla org MPL FFTW The Fastest Fourier Transform in the West Copyright c - Massachusetts Institute of Technology All rights reserved The following third-party libraries are used by the NlogN Momentum solver This program includes Metis Copyright ? Regents of the University of Minnesota http www cs umn edu metis METIS was written by George Karypis karypis cs umn edu Intel Math Kernel Library http www intel com software products mkl SuperLU MT version - Copyright ? The Regents of the University of California through Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory subject to receipt of any required approvals from U S Dept of Energy All rights reserved SuperLU Disclaimer THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS AS IS AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT INDIRECT INCIDENTAL SPECIAL EXEMPLARY OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES LOSS OF USE DATA

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