Guide 2023 05 30T123715 581

STEP BY STEP UMRAH GUIDE BEFORE SETTING OFF FROM HOME Trim nails and hair Make ghusl with intention that I am going to perform umrah Apply deodorant to the body Whatever salah is due at the time of travel ensure it is prayed in full before setting o ? Read rakaats of travelling Salah before setting o ? Make dua - thank Allah for the opportunity of going to perform umrah ask Allah to make the journey easy to protect me from shaytaan and my nafs to help me utilise my time for His Pleasure and that He accepts my umrah and the umrah of all those travelling with me When going out of the house hotel say Bismillahi tawakkaltu ? alallahi laa hawla wa laa quwatta illah billah In the name of Allah I place my trust in Allah and there is no might nor power except with Allah Before setting o ? in car say this is the traveller ? s dua Allahu akbar Allahu akbar Allahu akbar Subhaanalathee sakharalanaa haathaa wa maa kunnaa lahu muqrineena wa innaa ilaa rabbinaa lamunqaliboon Allah is the greatest x How perfect He is The One Who has place this transport at our service and we ourselves would not have been capable of that and to our Lord if our ?nal destiny At a journey break say A ? oothu bikalimaa tillaahittaammaati min sharri maa khalaq I take refuge in Allah ? s perfect words from the evil that He has created NB during the journey keep myself in the remembrance of Allah make dhikr make dua read Qur ? an read Islamic books etc Remember this is the start of my journey to the House of Allah and I have been given an invitation from Málik Al-Mulk Owner and King of all Kingdoms so Praise and Glorify Him Once I am a traveller having left my area of residence and the next Salah is due I can combine and shorten them as this is a concession from Allah o Dhur Rakaats Asr Rakaats together o Maghrib Rakaats Ishaa Rakaats together o Read as many sunnah nawa ?l as I like there is no restriction When travelling and ascending recite Allahu-Akbar When travelling and descending recite Subhan-Allah C When reaching a city e g Jeddah say BEFORE PASSING THE MEEQAT PLACE WHERE UMRAH STARTS AND ONE ENTERS STATE OF IHRAM Men get changed into their Ihram top part is izar lower part is rida preferably after one of the daily prayers Remove underwear Perform rakaat na with intention of umrah Read Surah Kaa ?roon in ?rst rakaat and Surah Iklaas in second rakaat Make niyyah intention for umrah preferably after Fajr Then read talbiyah Allahumma inni uridul 'umrah Oh Allah I intend to perform Umrah Labbayk Allahumma labbayk labbayka laa shareeka laka labbayk Innal hamda wanni ? mata laka walmulk laa shareeka lak Here I am O Allah here I am Here I am You have no partner Here I am Surely

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