Editing guide 1 Name Class P d Date Writing Workshop Review Use third person point o f view Do N ot U se ?? I ? o r ??I think ? Make s ure subjects and verbs agree Write u sing l iterary present t ense Correct a ll fragments run-ons to make a complete sen
Name Class P d Date Writing Workshop Review Use third person point o f view Do N ot U se ?? I ? o r ??I think ? Make s ure subjects and verbs agree Write u sing l iterary present t ense Correct a ll fragments run-ons to make a complete sentence Format e ssay using the d etailed o utline CName C lass Pd D ate Peer Editing G uide Instructions Use the g uide b elow to a llow y our p eer to c heck for what n eeds t o b e edited and r evised before submitting y our f inal d raft Editing Guidelines Peer signatures Third P erson Point of V iew Circle a ny u se of ?rst p erson second person ??I ? ??I think ? ? ?? We ? ??Us ? Third person point o f v iew checked by Subject Verb A greement Underline a ll subjects once and verbs t wo t imes Check t o see i f t hey are both singular plural Subject-verb a greement checked by Literary P resent T ense Underline a ll verbs t wo times C heck to see i f verbs are i n p resent t ense Literary p resent tense c hecked by Complete sentences Put a s lash a t t he e nd o f e ach complete sentence Make sure there are n o f ragments o r run-on sentences Complete s entences checked by Essay F ormat Introduction I n the m argins l abel the H OOK a nd BACKGROUND h ighlight t he THESIS Essay f ormatting checked b y Body Paragraphs I n t he margins label t he t opic sentences TS c oncrete details quotes textual evidence CD commentary CM and c oncluding sentences CS After c ompleting the e diting guide s ubmit this p age to M s E dwards B EFORE u sing the r ubric t o r evise write your FINAL D RAFT The FINAL D RAFT o f your essay w ill b e an a ssessment g rade worth pts it will count a s of y our g rade f or the ?rst semester - Rough Draft Due - P eer Editing F orm D ue F inal D raft D ue Final draft m ust b e w ritten i n blue black i nk on c ollege r uled p aper w ith MLA h eading a nd title do n ot write on the back o f y our paper O R you c an type the e ssay i n ? F ont T imes N ew Roman Double-spaced a nd p rint essays may a lso b e e mailed to jedwards bhm k al us If not submitted with all c omponents completed you will be required to RESUBMIT C
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Gratuit pour un usage personnel Aucune attribution requise- Détails
- Publié le Dec 14, 2022
- Catégorie Literature / Litté...
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 34.4kB