Bibliografie surse primare

BIBLIOGRAFIE Surse primareAncilla to the Pre-Socratic Philosophers A complete translation of the Fragments in Diels Fragmente der Vorsokratiker trad Kathleen Freeman Harvard University Press Cambridge Mass Aristote Du Ciel trad P Moraux Société d ? Éditions Les Belles Lettres ? Paris Idem De la génération et de la corruption C Mugler ed Les Belles Lettres Paris Aristotel Categorii Despre interpretare trad C Noica Humanitas Bucure ti Idem Despre cer trad Nicolau Paideia Bucure ti Idem Despre su et trad A Baumgarten Humanitas Bucure ti Idem Etica Nicomahic ? trad Stella Petecel Editura tiin ?i ?c ? i Enciclopedic ? Bucure ti Idem Fizica trad N I Barbu Editura tiin ?i ?c ? Bucure ti Idem Meta ?zica trad Cornea Humanitas Bucure ti Aristotelis categoriae et liber de interpretatione L Minio- Paluello ed Clarendon Press Oxford Aristotelis Ethica Nicomachea I Bywater ed Clarendon Press Oxford Aristotelis Physica W D Ross ed Clarendon Press Oxford Aristotle De anima W D Ross ed Clarendon Press Oxford Idem On Generation and Corruption trad H H Joachim ? n J Barnes ed The Complete Works of Aristotle vol I the revised Oxford translation Princeton Bollingen Series LXXI Princeton University Press Princeton p - Idem On the Heavens trad J L Stocks ? n J Barnes ed The Complete Works of Aristotle vol I p - C Idem Physics trad R P Hardie R K Gaye ? n J Barnes ed The Complete Works of Aristotle vol I p - Aristotle's Metaphysics vol W D Ross ed Clarendon Press Oxford Augustin Fer Confesiuni trad Gh erban Humanitas Bucure ti Augustin Sf Confesiuni trad E Munteanu edi ?ie bilingv ? Nemira Bucure ti Augustine St Against the Academicians trad Mary Patricia Garvey Marquette University Press Milwaukee Wisconsin Idem City of God trad M Dods ? n St Augustine ? s City of God and Christian Doctrine ? Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers of the Christian Church ? Series vol II P Scha ? ed The Christian Literature Publishing New York p - Idem Letters trad J G Cunnigham ? n Confessions and Letters of St Augustine with a Sketch of His Life and Work ? Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers of the Christian Church ? Series vol I P Scha ? ed Christian Literature Company New York p - Idem Expositions of the Psalms - trad Maria Boulding ? n The Works of Saint Augustine A translation for the st century part III vol B Ramsey ed New City Press New York Idem Expositions of the Psalms - trad Maria Boulding ? n The Works of Saint Augustine A translation for the st century part III vol B Ramsey ed New City Press New York Idem Homilies on the Gospel of John - trad E Hill ? n The Works of Saint Augustine A translation for the st century part III vol B Ramsey ed New City Press New York Idem On the Trinity trad A W Haddan ? n The Works of Aurelius Augustine Bishop of Hippo M

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