Bibliography 30 SELECTED BIBLIOGRAPHY Primary Sources Aland Barbara Kurt Aland Johannes Karavidopoulos Carlos M Martini and Bruce M Metzger editors The Greek New Testament Fourth revised edition Stuttgart United Bible Societies editors Novum Testamentum G

SELECTED BIBLIOGRAPHY Primary Sources Aland Barbara Kurt Aland Johannes Karavidopoulos Carlos M Martini and Bruce M Metzger editors The Greek New Testament Fourth revised edition Stuttgart United Bible Societies editors Novum Testamentum Graece Twenty-seventh edition Stuttgart Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft Aland Kurt Matthew Black Carlo M Martini Bruce M Metzger and Allen Wikgren editors Novum Testamentum Graece Twenty-Sixth edition Stuttgart Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft Aland Kurt Matthew Black Bruce M Metzger and Allan Wikgren editors The Greek New Testament First edition New York United Bible Societies Bible in Basic English New York Cambridge University Press Codex Sinaticus Petropolitanus The New Testament Oxford Clarendon Press Codex Vaticanus B Facsimile e Prolegomena Rome Instituto Poligra ?co e Zecca Dello Stato Contemporary English Version Nashville Thomas Nelson Holman Christian Standard Bible Nashville Holman Bible Publishers Holy Bible English Standard Bible Wheaton Crossway Bibles Holy Bible New Century Version Dallas Word Bibles Holy Bible New King James Version Nashville Thomas Nelson Holy Bible New Living Translation Wheaton Tyndale House Publishers Holy Bible New Revised Standard Version Oxford University Press CKenyon Frederic G The Chester Beatty Biblical Papyri Descriptions and Texts of Twelve Manuscripts on Papyrus of the Greek Bible Fasciculus II The Gospels and Acts Plates London Emery Walker Limited Message The New Testament in Contemporary Language Colorado Springs NavPress Nestle Eberhard and Kurt Aland editors Novum Testamentum Graece Twenty- ?fth edition London United Bible Society editor Novum Testamentum Graece Twenty- ?rst edition New York American Bible Society editor Novum Testamentum Graece Twentieth edition New York American Bible Society Nestle Eberhard editor Novum Testamentum Graece Sixteenth edition New York American Bible Society New American Standard Bible Updated edition Anaheim Foundation Publications New Testament in Modern English Revised edition New York Macmillan Publishing Company Revised English Bible New York Oxford University Press Swanson Reuben J ed New Testament Greek Manuscripts Luke Pasadena William Carey International University Press ed New Testament Greek Manuscripts Mark Pasadena William Carey International University Press Tischendorf Constantinus Novum Testamentum Graece Editio Octava Critica Maior Volumen I Lipsaie J C Hinrichs Books Aland Kurt and Barbara Aland The Text of the New Testament An Introduction to the Critical Editions and to the Theory and Practice of Modern Textual Criticism Second edition Translated by Erroll F Rhodes Grand Rapids William B Eerdmans Publishing Company Colwell Ernest C Studies in Methodology in Textual Criticism of the New Testament Leiden E J Brill CdeSilva David A Honor Patronage Kinship and Purity Unlocking the New Testament Culture Downers Grove InterVarsity Press Ehrman Bart D Didymus the Blind and the Text of the Gospels Atlanta Scholars Press Gamble Harry Y Books and Readers in the Early Church A History of Early Christian Texts New Haven Yale University Press Greenlee J Harold Greenlee Introduction to New Testament Textual Criticism Grand Rapids William B Eerdmans Publishing Company Hoskier H C Concerning the Genesis of the Versions of the New Testament vols London B Quaritch - Hurtado Larry W Text-Critical Methodology and the Pre-Caesarean Text Codex W in the Gospel of Mark Grand Rapids

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