Cinematic adaptation from literature a study of chetan bhagat x27 s novels

International Journal of English Literature and Social Sciences Vol- Issue- May-Jun Journal Home Page Available https ijels com Journal DOI ijels Peer-Reviewed Journal Cinematic adaptation from Literature A Study of Chetan Bhagat ? s Novels Monika Chaudhary Research Scholar M Phil H P U Shimla India Received Mar Received in revised form May Accepted May Available online May ? The Author s Published by Infogain Publication This is an open access article under the CC BY license https creativecommons org licenses by Abstract ?? The Present research paper aims at highlighting the cinematic representation of the works of Chetan Bhagat The major emphasis is laid on the Chetan Bhagat writing which has been adapted into movies Like this vibrant media and entertainment M E industry provides attractive growth opportunities for global corporation Bollywood as the Hindi ?lm industry is popularly known is the largest contributor to the Film industry and language cinema industries such as Bengali Bhojpuri Marathi and Gujarati Although this industry is the largest in the world in terms of the number of ?lms it produces It ? s not only Bollywood even most of the successful Hollywood ?lms are based on literary works But ?lm makers satisfy the hunger of a large heterogeneous audience with the element of Entertainment The idea of screen adaptations is dates back years ago when people had limited options for entertainment and recreational activities The study is based on movies made in Bollywood which have been inspired by the writings of novelists This is a qualitative research in which Chetan Bhagat ? s novel Five Point Someone States The story of My Marriage Mistakes of my life Half girlfriend and Revolution have been taken up by Bollywood ?lm makers to make movies Idiots States Kai Po Che Half Girlfriend and Revolution respectively Chetan Bhagat pioneers the way towards new era where he has been picked up by the Bollywood maker consistently Whatever might be the reason he is capable enough to shatters the all critics opinion on the ground of his success Keywords ?? Cinema Mass and Media Bollywood Vibrant Recreational I INTRODUCTION Chetan bhagat presently a leading and popular contemporary writer in Indian Fiction is one of the bestselling novelists today Since his works refuse to easy categorization into canonical Indian English Novel he is labelled as best-seller Novelist In order to cater a huge audience ?lm makers from all over the world have adopted literature writings for movie making The key purpose of these screen adaptations lies in giving visual appeal to the black and white words of the author ? s writings Furthermore there are restricted readers for di ?erent genres and subject of novel and literature respectively Audiences are very important to grasp the content of media say as print electronic and digital Media these days is working and providing content keeping in view the target audience because it is the audience that makes the content popular to read and share Cinema is the important medium to entertain

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